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Updated: August 25, 2024

When a man is smitten inexplicably, as if by a bodiless hand stretched out of a cloud, when the red slayer vanishes like a mist and leaves no faintest trace of his identity, the mystery shrouding the deed presently becomes more appalling than the deed itself.

Not once, but several times, this Excalibur appearance startled B. and me: in fact the extreme modesty and incomparable shyness of The Zulu found only in this procedure a satisfactory method of bestowing presents upon his two friends ... I would I could see that long hand once more, the sensitive fingers poised upon a half-camembert; the bodiless arm swinging gently and surely with a derrick-like grace and certainty in my direction....

When the latter handed him Joe's rifle and a handful of extra shells, however, his eagerness to be away showed in his eyes. Steve did not like that gleam any more than he understood it, and he did not understand it at all. It went around him through him much as though Garry was peering cunningly at a far-off, bodiless something which the other man could not see.

Then suddenly a bodiless voice is heard And fear came cold on all. They shook with awe, And horror, like a wind, stirred up their hair. Again, the voice again 'Ho! Oedipus, Why linger we so long? Come hither come." Oedipus then solemnly consigns his children to Theseus, dismisses them, and Theseus alone is left with the old man.

Universalists are unable to perceive the least resemblance between the circumstance of one intelligent body re-forming or changing the condition of some other body, intelligent or non-intelligent, and the circumstance of a bodiless Being creating all bodies; of a partless Being acting upon all parts; and of a passionless Being generating and regulating all passions.

Now the voice of Helen answered him in sweet tones and low: "Did I not tell thee, Odysseus of Ithaca, did I not tell thee, yesterday in the halls of Hathor, after thou hadst overcome the ghosts, that to-night we should be wed? Wherefore, then, dost thou deem me of the number of the bodiless?" The Wanderer hearkened.

In a form ever modifying with scientific discovery they hold that 'the good' is a superman, bodiless yet bodily, with a beginning but without an end. It is an attractive faith, enabling them to say to Nature: 'Je m'en fiche de tout cela. My big brother will look after me Pom! One may call it anthropomorphia, for it seems especially soothing to strong personalities.

Perhaps he sought it from me because I was as apart as a woman from his physical splendour, a kind of bodiless creature with just a brain and a human heart, the ghost of an old soldier, far away from the sphere of poor passions and little jealousies. I felt the tentacles of the man's nature blindly and convulsively groping after something within me that eluded them.

Nothing remained standing except the glass tower, now empty and deserted. The Bodiless Maiden had vanished from it the very moment that there was no longer any one who could have stolen her from the other world. The two comrades thanked the Lord that they had been able to accomplish their task so far, and journeyed on, walking and walking, till they reached the palace of the second dragon.

Cissie gave Peter a single wide-eyed glance, and then attempted to ignore the bodiless comment. "Here are some cookies, Mr. Siner," began the girl, rather nervously. "I thought you and Ahnt Carolin' " "Yeah, I 'magine dey's fuh me!" jeered the spectral voice. "Might like them," concluded the girl, with a little gasp.

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