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Wilbur did not like the looks of it at all. On the other hand, he had not the slightest intention of going back to the camp without water. He had come for water, and he would carry water back, he thought to himself, if a regiment of bob-cats was in the way.

"If you are tired you should try the ranges of Idaho," Mr. Clark said. "My boy, here, and myself have recently returned from a year in the sheep country and feel like new men, don't we, Don? Undoubtedly the life there may not be as gay as in the city; still to quote my manager, Sandy McCulloch, 'with bears, bob-cats, and coyotes, I dinna see how it could ever be dull." So perfectly had Mr.

That ain't the point, which is, that after two months I had them long-laigs so they'd drop everythin' and come kitin' at the HONK-HONK of that horn. It was a purty sight to see 'em, sailin' in from all directions twenty foot at a stride. I was proud of 'em, and named 'em the Honk-honk Breed. We didn't have no others, for by now the coyotes and bob-cats had nailed the straight-breds.

I sleep a good part of the day, you know, and watch the flock at night." "But I should think you would sleep at night." "I couldn't do that." "Why not?" "Because there is more danger to the sheep at night. It is then that the wild creatures steal down and attack the herds." "Wild creatures?" "Bears, bob-cats, cougars, and coyotes." "On the range!" cried Donald. "Where else?"

Jim said yesterday he was goin' to do a little lookin' round. Looks like he sure seen somethin'." "Yes," drawled Pete. "Jim and me got a buck and this here lion. We didn't have time to git anything else." "Too bad you didn't git a bear and a couple of bob-cats while you was at it." "Hey, boys!" called Andy from the doorway. "Come see Bill!" The men crowded to the door.

The boys munched their hard tack in the saddle, the guide being anxious to get, before nightfall, to the grounds where Tackers had advised him the bob-cats were plentiful. Already the dogs were lolling with tongues protruding from their mouths, not being used to running the trail in such warm weather.

"I should think you would prefer to wait till the guide sees it. And, besides, he knows better how to do that than any of the rest of us." "Are are bob-cats good to eat?" asked Chunky sheepishly. The boys shouted. "Not satisfied with trying to kill the poor beast, now you want to eat him," jeered Ned Rector. "Why, Stacy Brown, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.

Forgetting their painful feelings in the shock of this discovery the boys hastened to the river bank to see if by any chance he was down at the steam launch. The launch, too, was missing! With a cry of rage Ben Stubbs shook his fist down the river. "I see it all, boys," he exclaimed. "The old scallywag drugged us doped us that's why we feel so badly and " "Howling bob-cats!

But Old Man would not listen; he said, "I will teach you to steal my food." He pulled off the lynx's tail, pounded his head against the rock so as to make his face flat, pulled him out long, so as to make him small-bellied, and then threw him away into the brush. As he went sneaking off, Old Man said, "There, that is the way you bob-cats shall always be."

"I don't quite follow your distinction between critters, as you call them, and varmints," the Colonel turned curiously. "Bob-cats, 'n' foxes, 'n' skunks, 'n' coons, 'n' them sech, is varmints. Lucy is a critter," he said simply. "'N' they all have 'bout the same sort of calls 'ceptin' hunger calls."