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"If I had known that," returned the porter, "I would not have stirred a step. But Patience assured me the contrary." By this time, Doctor Hodges had come up, and an explanation ensued. It was agreed, however, that it would be better not to alarm Mr. Bloundel, but to attribute the porter's sudden flight to mismanagement of his steed.

Still, as we cannot foresee what may occur, it is better to err on the cautious side." "Pray be seated for a moment," rejoined the grocer, motioning the other to the chair. "I remember your alluding to it," replied Hodges, "and should be glad to know what it is." "I must tell it you in confidence," rejoined Bloundel, "because I think secresy essential to its entire accomplishment.

Bloundel was about to depart, when a young chirurgeon stepped out to him, and, in reply to his inquiries after Leonard, said: "Twelve persons were brought in here last night, and five this morning, but I do not remember any of their names. You can go through the rooms and search for your apprentice, if you think proper." Mr.

As he retired with Patience, he observed to her, "Master Stephen looks quite well, though a little thinner. I must ascertain from him the exact course of treatment pursued by his father. I wonder whether Mr. Bloundel would nurse me if I were to be suddenly seized with the distemper?" "If he wouldn't, I would," replied Patience. "Thank you, thank you," replied Blaize.

Rochester affected not to hear the question, but, as it was repeated still more peremptorily, he repeated carelessly, "I will consider of it." "Deceived! deceived!" cried Amabel, falling on her mother's neck, and bursting into tears. "This outrage shall not pass unpunished," cried Bloundel.

Bloundel, "and could not have believed such depravity existed. Quit the house, sir, directly, or I will have you turned out of it." "Do not remain another moment," implored Amabel. "Do not, do not!" "Since I have no other way of proving my love, I must perforce obey," returned Wyvil, trying to snatch her hand and press it to his lips; but she withdrew it, and clung more closely to her mother.

Bloundel, regarding the gallant with a look of fury "it was you who contrived to delude me into opening it! I do not ask why you have come hither like a thief in the night, because I require no information on the subject. You are come to dishonour my child to carry her away from those who love her and cherish her, and would preserve her from such mischievous serpents as you.

"She must not be over excited," interposed Hodges, in a low tone, and gently drawing the afflicted mother away. "The sooner," he added to Mr. Bloundel, "she now sets out the better." "I feel it," replied the grocer. "She shall start to-morrow morning." "I will undertake to procure horses," replied Hodges, "and Leonard will be ready at any moment."

Bloundel received the happy tidings with tears of joy, and the doctor remained a short time to condole with her on the loss she had sustained. The good dame wept bitterly on hearing the whole particulars, with which she had been hitherto unacquainted, attending her daughter's untimely death, but she soon regained her composure.

"If so," replied Bloundel, "he shall never enter my house again. Send for your indentures to-night," he continued sharply, to Leonard, "but never venture to approach me more." "Father, you are mistaken," cried Amabel. "Leonard Holt is not to blame. I alone deserve your displeasure." "Be silent!" whispered the apprentice; "you destroy yourself.