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"Blague, my friend, sheer blague. You know you relish a good dinner of your own ordering far more than anybody's appreciation, even mine." The waiters had retired, leaving them alone in a momentary oasis of public isolation. "Mademoiselle," said Lanyard in more formal vein, "I am sure, underestimates my capacity for appreciation.

Sylvestre, who evidently looked upon the whole question as a good joke une bonne blague suggested that the dynamitard should dress up in his sporting attire; he urged that the detectives had seen him enter and could not be surprised at his leaving, and that this would be the best solution of the difficulty. The idea seemed feasible, and it was tried on.

I never read a more impudent piece of blague. must have written it. Nobody else would boast of swindling the Chinese with a false map. This induces me to ask whether you could not give me a short article for the 'Review' on The Russians on the Pacific' and the naval effects of their position at Vladivostock. They have made it a fortress, but it will take a long time to make it a settlement.

"Hush hush, please!" said Max Elliot, loudly. "'Sh 'sh 'sh! Monsieur Rades is going to sing." He bent to Rades. "What is it? Monsieur Rades will sing Le Moulin, and Le Retour de Madame Blague." There was a ripple of applause, and Mrs. Shiffney hastily made her way to a chair just in front of the piano, sat down on it, and gazed at Rades, who turned and stared at her.

Miss Blague, who hardly understood a word of French, regulated herself upon the Duke's authority, in admiring the one and the other. It was remarked, that all the words which he sung to her were in praise of fair women, and that always taking this to herself, she cast down her eyes in acknowledgment and consciousness.

"Scamps! what are you doing in the sanctuary of the laws?" "Parbleu! we've come to learn how to blague," said Bixiou. "We might get rusty if we didn't." "Let us go into the garden," said the young man, not observing that Gazonal belonged to the party.

Could they hope to keep out of men's speech, or even out of their books, however they excluded from their own Dictionary, such words as 'blague, 'blaguer, 'blagueur, because, being born of the people, they had the people's mark upon them?

The French, since the war began, have recovered all their old 'blague. They talk incessantly of what they have done, and despise everyone else. But look how unstable they are politically! They change their ministries, as often as some men change their mistresses. The Pope, too, is an enemy of Italy and a friend of Austria. He aims at the restoration of his temporal power.

And as she stood there, her nosegay in her hand, with the stupid expression of a balked fairy, Cardailhac said to her with the blague of a Parisian who speedily makes the best of things: "Take away your flowers, my dear, your affair has fallen through. The Bey isn't coming he forgot his handkerchief, and as that's what he uses to talk to ladies, why, you understand " Now, it is night.

"I'm not Miss Ackroyd," she began with emphasis, when a querulous voice from an inner room called out: "Whom are you talking to, Sylvia?" "A young man with a boxful of beetles," returned the girl, adding in brisk French: "Il est tres amusant ce farceur. Je ne le comprends pas du tout. Cest une blague, peut-etre. Si on l'invitait dans la maison pour un moment?"