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"May God forbid," ejaculated the cook, "for it's herself, the darlin' girl, that 'ud be the bitther loss to the poor and destitute." This kind ejaculation was fervently echoed by all her fellow-servants; and Harry, having finished his pipe, went to see how his brother's wound was progressing. He found him asleep, and Caterine Collins seated knitting a stocking at his bedside.

Bitther cowld it was, aw, bitther cowld, and the b'ys droppin' down, droppin', droppin', droppin', wid the Roosian bullets in thim! "'Kilquhanity, says Sergeant-Major Kilpatrick to me, 'it's this shtandin' still, while we do be droppin', droppin', that girds the soul av yer. Aw, the sight it was, the sight it was!

"Well, any how, you war Frank's match, an' more, last night. How bitther he was bint on bringin' Peggy aff', when he an' his set waited till they seen the country clear, an' thought the family asleep? Had you man for man, Mike?"

"Well, then, for the fun o' the thing suppose me my namesake, if you like," says the Pope, laughing, "though, by Jayminy," says he, "he's not one that I take much pride out ov." "Very good, devil a bitther joke ever I had," says his Riv'rence. "Come, then, Misther Pope," says he, "hould up that purty face ov yours, and answer me this question.

"May God pity you, Honor! for who but yourself would or could act as you do this bitther, bitther night?" "I'm only doin' what I ought to do," she replied, "what is religion good for if it doesn't keep the heart right an' support us undher thrials like this; what 'ud it be then but a name?

Jack put her down as 'a flinty-hearted ould maid. 'Her sort, she declared, 'is ever an' always sour an' bitther to them the Lord blesses wid a family. But all the same it became a regular thing for Margret to eat her Sunday dinner with the Laffans, and Mrs.

"Shure the docther there, and Mr Martin, knows well enough I'm not telling you a bit of a lie, Misther Armstrong," said the girl. "I know you're not, my good girl; I know you're not telling a lie; but, nevertheless, I must see Mr Lynch. Just step up and wake him, and tell him I'm waiting to say two words to him." "Faix, yer honer, he's very bitther intirely, when he's waked this early.

'Every helmet has a spike stickin' out o' the top of it, says the waiver; 'and if mine has three, it's only the grandher it is. 'Well, says the wife, getting bitther at last, 'all I can say is, it isn't the first sheep's head was dhress'd in it. 'Your sarvint, ma'am, says he; and off he set.

He squinted at the sun and pulled out his watch. "'Tis four o'clock, begob! Twill turn bitther cowld whin th' sun goes down." The coroner smiled knowingly. "Talking about 'calks'!" he remarked; and diving into the deep recesses of his fur coat he produced a comfortable-looking leather-encased flask. "A little 'calk' all round won't hurt us after that tramp, Sergeant!" he observed kindly.

How, in the name of heaven, can you call yourself a poor man?" "They belie me, sir, they're bitther enemies that say I'm otherwise." "Be you rich or be you poor, let me tell you that I would not stand in your son's situation for the wealth of the king's exchequer.