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Bitther cowld it was, aw, bitther cowld, and the b'ys droppin' down, droppin', droppin', droppin', wid the Roosian bullets in thim! "'Kilquhanity, says Sergeant-Major Kilpatrick to me, 'it's this shtandin' still, while we do be droppin', droppin', that girds the soul av yer. Aw, the sight it was, the sight it was!

"Some wan must 've spoke to him; f'r, whin he come in th' next time, he says, 'They'se no use talkin', he says, 'that there Dutchman is sthrong, he says. 'I thought he was a Boolgahrian, says I. 'No, says he, 'he's a German man, says he. 'An' th' Germans is with him to th' bitther end, he says.

My hand to you, there's not so sweet-tongued a knave in the province; but mind, I put you on your guard he's never pure honey all out, unless where there's bitther hatred and revenge at the bottom of it that's well known, so be advised and keep him at a distance; have nothin' to do or to say to him, and, as to havin' him for a godfather, why I hardly think the child could thrive that he'd stand for."

"Well, childher," said the father, "didn't I tell yez the bitther mornin' we left Tubber Derg, not to cry or be disheartened that there was a 'good God above who might do somethin' for us yet? I never did give up may trust in Him, an' I never will. You see, afther all our little troubles, He has wanst more brought us together, an' made us happy. Praise an' glory to His name!"

"Oh! but they're bitther words to us, my darlin' an' my lovin' boy. But the air, Mary, darlin', strive an' sing it for him as well as you can." It was a trying task for the affectionate girl, who, however, so far overcame her grief, as to be able to sing it with the very pathos of nature itself.

Musha, throw your little things aside, an' stay where ye are today: you can't bring out the childre under the teem of rain an' sleet that's in it. Wurrah dheelish, but it's the bitther day all out!

"I'll tell ye th' tale. . . . 'Twas up at th' Chilkoot Pass in the gold rush av '98. . . . Together we was Yorkey an' meself stationed there undher ould Bobby Belcher. Wan night Mother av God! will I iver forghet ut? Bitther cowld is th' Yukon, lad; th' like av ut yu' here in Alberta du not know. Afther tu crazy lost cheechacos we had been that day.

Dalton; "a bitther case; but then it's God's gracious will, an' them that He loves He chastises. Blessed be His name for all He does, and blessed be His name ever for this!" Mary now recovered in her father's arms; and her mother, in a low but energetic voice, pointing to the beds, said: "Think of them, darlin'. There now, part with him.

The worthy gentleman and his curate had just seated themselves in his snug, but humble little parlor, where a pleasant turf fire was beginning to get somewhat dim, when the following dialogue occurred between them: "Pettier," said Father Anthony to his curate, who had just returned from a sick call, "you found the night bitther, I think?" "It is very cold, indeed, sir."

"Well, God help us, Cooney! every one has their misfortunes as well as you and I; sure enough, it's a bitther business to see how every thing's thrivin' hay, oats, and whate! why they'll be for a song: may I never get a bad shillin', but the poor 'ill be paid for takin' them! that's the bitther pass things will come to; maurone ok! but it's a black lookout!"