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"You druv me to it, Rosha," said he to his wife; "but I'll let you both know that I'm able to be masther in my own house still. You have made your pet what he is; but I tell you that if God hasn't said it, you'll curse one another with bitther hearts yet." "Well, sure you have your own way," replied his wife, "but you wor ever and always self-willed and headstrong.

Oh, then heaven's above, but you wor a bitther sight to me, an' but it was the unlucky day that ever the divil druv you acrass me!" "Dick," said the father, "as soon as you go into the office, write a discharge, as bad a one, for that old vagabond, as the English language can enable you to do for by the light of heaven, he shan't sleep another night under this roof."

"Aw the night it was," said Kilquhanity, after a pause, blowing a cloud of tobacco smoke into the air, "the night it was, me darlin's! Bitther cowld in that Roosian counthry, though but late summer, and nothin' to ate but a lump of bread, no bigger than a dickybird's skull; nothin' to drink but wather. Turrible, turrible, and for clothes to wear Mother of Moses! that was a bad day for clothes!

"And who brought the bad luck upon me first?" asked the woman. "Wasn't it the husband of the mother that bore you? Wasn't it his hand that disfigured me as you see, when I was widin a week of bein' dacently married? Your father, Lamh Laudher was the man that blasted my name, and made it bitther upon tongue of them that mintions it."

"Pettier," said he, immediately, "finish your tumbler and go to bed; you know we must be off to-morrow to station before six o'clock, and after your bitther ride to-night you want rest, poor fellow."

But how, oh how, came his father to be in sich a state on this bitther, bitther night, as you say it is aif oh! Heaven above sees it's that how came his father, I say, into sich a state?" They then related the circumstance as it actually happened; and she appeared much relieved to hear that his inebriety was only accidental.

"Somethin' bitther an' out o' the common coorse, is a throuble to you, Rosha," said she, "or you wouldn't be in the state you're in.

"Yes, Margaret," he again proceeded, "I am goin' to lave you all at last; I feel it I can't say that I'll love you no more, for I think that even in heaven I couldn't forget you; but I'll never more lave you a sore heart, as I often did I'll never bring the bitther tear to your eye the hue of care to your face, or the pang of grief an' misery to your heart again thank God I will not; all my follies, all my weaknesses, and all my crimes "

Indeed it's the safest way to do so for the same M'Loughlins is a dangerous and bitther faction to make or meddle with. Go off now, in the name of goodness, and say nothin' to nobody barring, indeed, to some one that won't carry it farther." Indeed the state of society in a great part of Ireland shortly after the rebellion of ninety-eight was then such as a modern conservative would blush for.

"Now," said he, at length; "now, Peggy dear, listen so may God never prosper me, if I don't work bitther vengeance on them that along wid myself, was the means of bringin' you to this Dick-o'-the-Grange, an' Darby Skinadre, for if Darby had given you what you wanted, you might be yet a livin' woman.