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And, no sooner had he gotten a glimpse of the man's face, than Innis Beeby cried: "By Jove! If it isn't my cousin, Whitfield Vardon!" Two more surprised youths than Dick Hamilton and Innis Beeby would have been hard to find.

It was, indeed, as the Rev. C. E. Beeby says, in his book Creed and Life, a sad mistake of St. Augustine to tack this tribal fetish in his box on to the Christian religion as the All-Father, and Creator of the Universe. For Jehovah was a savage war-god, and, as such, was impotent to save the tribe who worshipped him.

Got orders from the editor not to let anything get away from me." "Well, I hope you have a success to report, and not a failure," remarked Paul. "Same here," echoed Beeby. When the airship had been hauled to the edge of the starting ground, a smooth, hard-packed, level space, inclining slightly down grade, so as to give every advantage, a careful inspection was made of every part of the craft.

She pronounces it beeby. He has not only taught her seventeen ways of breaking her neck, but twenty-two ways of avoiding it. He has infused into her the best and surest protection of a horseman CONFIDENCE. He did it gradually, systematically, little by little, a step at a time, and each step made sure before the next was essayed.

"She sure is a fine boat, Dick." "And she can go some, too!" "Glad you like her, fellows," replied Dick Hamilton, to the remarks of his chums, Paul Drew and Innis Beeby, as he turned the wheel of a new motor-boat and sent the craft about in a graceful sweep toward a small dock which connected with a little excursion resort on the Kentfield river. "Like her!

"Toss over that monkey wrench; will you?" "Say, who had the saw last?" "I know I laid a hammer down here, but it's gone now!" "Look out there! Low bridge! Gangway! One side!" These, and many other cries and calls, came from the big barn-like shed, where Dick Hamilton's airship was being constructed. Dick himself, and his two chums, Innis Beeby and Paul Drew, had joined forces with Mr.

"Such nonsense, for I'm sure no burglar would enter a house filled with nothing but Early Victorian furniture." "Well? Well? Well?" said Mrs. Belgrove impatiently. "Clara Beeby thought that Garvington meant to shoot Noel." "Why, in heaven's name! Because Noel is his heir?" "I'm sure I can't help it if I've no children," said Lady Garvington, going off on another trail the one suggested by Mrs.

"I suppose you birdmen are used to accidents like this?" "More or less," answered the cousin of Innis Beeby. "But I never expected to come to grief, and be rescued by Innis." "Nor did I expect to see you," said the cadet. "We were just speaking of you, or, rather I was, as we saw your craft in the air. I was wondering if you had perfected your patent."

Dick had rather a hard time at Kentfield at first for he had to get over the handicap of being a millionaire. But how he did it you may read, and, I trust, enjoy. In "Dick Hamilton's Steam Yacht; Or, A Young Millionaire and the Kidnappers," Dick got into a "peck of trouble," to quote his chum, Innis Beeby.