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Updated: August 21, 2024

The stoodent and connyseer must have noticed and admired in varis parts of the United States of America large yeller hanbills, which not only air gems of art in theirselves, but they troothfully sit forth the attractions of my show a show, let me here obsarve, that contains many livin' wild animils, every one of which has got a Beautiful Moral. Them hanbills is sculpt in New York.

SCHWAZEY, a leadin' citizen in a state of mind which showed that he'd bin histin' in more'n his share of pizen. "Hello, old Beeswax," he bellered; "how's yer grandmams? When you goin' to feed your stuffed animils?" "What's the matter with the eminent physician?" I pleasantly inquired. "This," he said; "this is what's the matter. I'm a habit-ooal drunkard! I'm exempt!" "Jes' so."

Thare ware also severeil animils thare, thare was, tho I don't know whether they belonged to him, as they was scattered thro the ordgunce, and was boysterous to a degre yis, two degrese.

They may be a trifle leaner when they pass the cabin next time, but their gait will be jest the same, as I conceit." And after a moment, he asked, sympathetically: "How far did ye sled them pigs, Bill?" "Forty mile," answered Bill, dejectedly. "It's a goodly distance, considerin' the natur' of the animils," replied the Trapper, "and ye must have been tempted to onload the sled more'n once, Bill."

"ONE time," said Uncle Remus adjusting his spectacles so as to be able to see how to thread a large darning-needle with which he was patching his coat "one time, way back yander, 'fo' you wuz bomed, honey, en 'fo' Mars John er Miss Sally wuz bomed way back yander 'fo' enny un us wuz bomed, de animils en de creeturs sorter 'lecshuneer roun' 'mong deyselves, twel at las' dey 'greed fer ter have a 'sembly.

"DE animils en de creeturs," said Uncle Remus, shaking his coffee around in the bottom of his tin-cup, in order to gather up all the sugar, 'dey kep' on gittin' mo' en mo' familious wid wunner nudder, twel bimeby, 'twan't long 'fo' Brer Rabbit, en Brer Fox, en Brer Possum got ter sorter bunchin' der perwishuns tergedder in de same shanty.

"Well, I declare," said the picture framer, when he was left alone, "artists is queer animils, and no mistake. Neglect 'em, and it makes 'em as mad as a short-horned bull in fly time; coax 'em and pat 'em, and they lets fly their heels in your face. Seems to me, if I was an artist, I shouldn't be particular about being a hog, too. There ain't no sense in it.

They are nothin' but animils, as you say, and I don't see why any body should treat an animil like a human bein. They hav'n't no sense of what you do for 'em." "Oh, ye needn't be afraid o' my blowin'. I never blowed about old Tilden, as you call 'im, an' I never expect to," said Jim. "That's right," wheezed Mr. Buffum. "It's just as well."

I wonder ef he has got a drove of animils in it." Had the Trapper known the closeness of his guess as to the contents of the huge box he would have marveled at his guessing, for there certainly were animals in the box and of a sort that usually are noisy enough and sure, at the least provocation, to proclaim their name and nature.

"Mis' Sproul," he said at last, "you take muddy roads, wet grounds, balky animils, fool rubes, drunken performers, and the high price of lemons, and the circus business is some raspy on the general disposition. But since I've known your husband I've come to the conclusion that it's an angel-maker compared with goin' to sea." "You had no business tellin' him what you did," complained the wife.

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