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Updated: August 19, 2024

I was at his death-bed, Jacob; and I verily believe he was a good man, and will meet the reward of one; yet did he talk most strangely, and reminded me of that remnant of a man you call old Tom. `It's no use, old gentleman, said he, as he lay in his bed supported by pillows, for he had wasted away till he was but a skeleton, having broken a blood-vessel with his violent coughing `It's no use pouring that doctor's stuff down my throat; my anchor's short stay a-peak, and in a few minutes I shall trip it, I trust for heaven, where I hope there are moorings laid down for me. `I would fain comprehend thee, replied I, `but thou speakest in parables. `I mean to say that death has driven his harpoon in up to the shank, and that I struggle in vain.

"Up and down!" cried Matthews on the forecastle, taking poor Saunders' place here, for he was now doing duty as second mate, although he had not yet passed the Trinity House examination for the post. "Anchor's up and down, sir!" "Then heave and paul!" answered Mr Mackay from the poop, calling out at the same time to the men standing by the halliards: "Sheet home and hoist away!"

"Anchor's at the bow, sir," said the boatswain, which report went through the same channels as before, till it reached the executive officer. "Hoist away on the jib and flying-jib halyards! Avast heaving! Pawl the capstan! Stopper the cable! Cat and fish the anchor!" shouted the first lieutenant. "Port the helm!" The Young America was clear of the ground.

Yet they do. The anchor's weighed. Off he sails with a scapular or a medal on him for luck. Well. And the tephilim no what's this they call it poor papa's father had on his door to touch. That brought us out of the land of Egypt and into the house of bondage. Something in all those superstitions because when you go out never know what dangers.

In a life whose worth is told out in passages from port to port, the splash of the anchor's fall and the thunderous rumbling of the chain are like the closing of a distinct period, of which she seems conscious with a slight deep shudder of all her frame. By so much is she nearer to her appointed death, for neither years nor voyages can go on for ever.

Curly hair falls beneath his broad-brimmed black hat, but not in long and scented ringlets such as were trained to fall below the shoulders of fashionable gallants at King Charles's court. He is in every way a fitting representative of the Honourable Company. The bo'sun has piped his whistle, and the last good-byes have been said. The anchor's weighed, and the white sails are spread to the breeze.

A'ter the first day or two, person's nothing eyes get palled, like the cap-stern when the anchor's up to the bows; but what a man likes is, not to be disturbed by vagaries, or gusts of temper.

"Her anchor's down. Mr Jones, a lead over the side, and see what water we have." Mr Jones had long been carried down below, severed in two with a round shot but a man leaped into the chains, and lowering down the lead, sounded in seven fathoms.

"Ay, the anchor's away," said the Consul; and the yacht, with flapping jib, began to move, like a colossal swan with erected crest, proudly through the water. The main-sail being well brailed up, the two boats were hauled alongside to the davits, and while they were being hoisted on them, a third gun was fired.

"'Course he would, only he's so awful sick. I ain't sick yet, but I feel funny, someway." Peterson stood looking ahead, but was anxious. "She's coming up stronger," said he, "and two points on the port quarter. We're going on harder all the time. Anchor's dragging. Afraid we're going to lose her, Mr. Harry." "Hush!" said I, nodding to the boy. "And turn on the search-light.

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