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'Aye, this air'll do yer, said the other. 'Where are yer stoppin? Costrells'? John nodded. 'They don't know nothin about my comin, but I dessay they'll find me somethin to sleep on. I'll 'ave my own place soon, and some one to look arter it. He drew himself up involuntarily, with the dignity that waits on property. A laugh, rather jeering than cordial, ran through the group of labourers.

The next afternoon he came bursting into the kitchen, where Maud stood with her sleeves rolled up, deep in the dish pan, while Stella stood wiping the dishes handed to her. "Don't you want a sleigh ride?" he asked, boyishly eager. She looked up with shining eyes. "Oh, wouldn't I! Can you get along, mother?" "Certainly, child; the air'll do you good."

Not only because he was hungry, but also because he dreaded to let Big Tom know just how hungry he was, Johnnie ate half of his dinner before the others returned. At the regular meal, he ate his ordinary amount. "Gee! Water and air'll fix me all right!" he boasted to Cis. "Who'd ever b'lieve it!" He was too happy even to fret about One-Eye.

We're all wan people, an' we look to Gin'ral Miles to desthroy th' Spanish with wan blow. Whin it comes, trees will be lifted out be th' roots. Morro Castle'll cave in, an' th' air'll be full iv Spanish whiskers. A long blow, a sthrong blow, an' a blow all together." "We're a gr-reat people," said Mr. Hennessy, earnestly. "We ar-re," said Mr. Dooley. "We ar-re that.

"Oh!" said the captain rudely, "that'll do, Jane. If he wasn't a lawyer, I'd go round and break his neck. Chrissie is only nineteen, and she'll come for a year's cruise with me. Perhaps the sea air'll strengthen her head. We'll see who's master in this family." "I'm sure I don't want to be master," said his daughter, taking a weapon of fine cambric out of her pocket, and getting ready for action.

"Let's walk up to the Plaza and have an egg-nog," suggested Anthony. "Do you good. Air'll get the rotten nicotine out of your lungs. Come on I'll let you talk about your book all the way." "I don't want to if it bores you. I mean you needn't do it as a favor." The words tumbled out in haste, and though he tried to keep his face casual it screwed up uncertainly.

The Lard's my doctor. Keep your sawl clean, an' the Lard'll watch your body. 'E's said as much. 'E knaws we'm poor trashy worms an' even a breath o' foul air'll take our lives onless 'E be by to filter it. Faith's the awnly medicine worth usin'." Joan remembered her morning bath and felt comforted by this last reflection. Had she not already found the magic result?

I'll just 'phone him to drop by on his way and take us along. Fresh air'll do you good." Steve assented, and fell to poring over the immense wall map of New York with preternatural gravity. But Mitchell's benevolent plan was doomed to be frustrated. Hardly had Archibald arrived and the employees been dismissed, when the sordid, busy, money-making city intruded in the person of Loring.

He was still laughing at his own joke when through the slats of the closed blinds shading the Pepper house parlor a shrill voice was heard speaking. "Go ahead, 'Bishy dear," called Lavinia. "Go ahead and go. A change of air'll do you good." Kyan whirled and clutched at the gate. "HEY?" he shouted in amazement. "Are you deef? Or is Mr. Ellis laughin' so hard that you can't hear?

"No, no, don't you think that," cried Dummy. "Let's keep on talking." "Yes," said Mark, jumping at the proposal. "Let's keep talking Who are you laughing at?" "You, Master Mark. You are sleepy. 'Tarn't far, now. Fresh air'll soon rouse you."