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Updated: August 22, 2024

Here he leaned against the counter and feebly ogled the attendant nymph. 'Hoots man! he heard one of the roughs remark to another. 'This falla's no the English birkie. English he canna be. 'But aiblins he's ane o' oor ain polis, said the man of suspicions. 'Nane o' oor polis has the gumption; and him as fou as a fiddler. Merton, waving his glass, swallowed its contents at three gulps.

Ou! aye! forgi'e me, your leddyship. I'm e'en but a puir, auld, doitted bodie. I e'en thocht ye were talking o' yon misguided quean in the cell. The Honorable Mistress Dugald. She'll be like yoursel', intereested in yon lassie; and aiblins ain o' the leddy direectors o' the Magdalen." "I think you are a fool.

Na, na; there's nae good fechtin' agin fate and the judges. Weel, I wush you well o' yer victory. Aiblins' twill be oor turn next." Then a rush, headed by Sam'l, roughly hustled the one away and bore the other off on its shoulders in boisterous triumph. In giving the Cup away, Lady Eleanour made a prettier speech than ever.

Many an eye was directed on M'Adam; but that little man appeared all unconscious. "Weel, Mr. Saunderson," he was saying in, shrill accents, "and shall ye tie Shep?" "What d'yo' think?" asked Rob, eying the man at whom the measure was aimed. "Why, it's this way, I'm thinkin'," the little man replied. "Gin ye haud Shep's the guilty one I wad, by all manner o' means or shootin'd be aiblins better.

What was yon, Alton, laddie?" "What?" "But I saw a spunk o' fire fa' into your bosom! I've na faith in siccan heathen omens; but auld carlins wud say it's a sign o' death within the year save ye from it, my puir misguidit bairn! Aiblins a fire-flaught o' my een, it might be I've had them unco often, the day " And he stooped down to the fire, and began to light his pipe, muttering to himself

John Cade, as Charles Buller ca'd him in the Hoose o' Commons an' he to be dead at last! the warld'll seem quite unco without his auld-farrant phizog on the streets. Aweel, aweel aiblins he's but shammin'. "When pleasant Spring came on apace, And showers began to fa', John Barleycorn got up again, And sore surprised them a'. "At ony rate, I'd no bury him till he began smell a wee strong like.

"I'll no say but she may aiblins hae been his honour's Squire Thorncliff's in her day but she's mine now." "You have stolen her, you rascal." "Na, na, sir nae man can wyte me wi' theft. The thing stands this gate, ye see.

Ye will be ane o' the beneevolent leddies wha gang about, seeking for the lost sheep o' the house o' Israel, meaning sic puir misguided lasses as yon! Ye'll be aiblins, ane o' the leddy directors o' the Magdalen Hospital?" said Mrs. Ferguson. "The what? I don't know what you mean, woman. I am speaking to you of a lady-the Honorable Mrs. Dugald." "A leddy? The Honorable Mistress Dugald?

But the interpenetration o' the spiritual an' physical worlds is a gran' truth too; an' aiblins the Deity might ha' allowed witchcraft, just to teach that to puir barbarous folk signs and wonders, laddie, to mak them believe in somewhat mair than the beasts that perish: an' so ghaists an warlocks might be a necessary element o' the divine education in dark and carnal times.

'Then aiblins, replied the elder, stooping and knocking the ashes from his pipe against the fender, 'there micht be a bit gliff, an' this bit paper micht come in gey useful by way o' stirrin' up his conscience the whilk, I'm thinkin', has been growin' stiff i' his auld age. If it disna there's nae harm dune. The Minister thrust out his legs, and gazed up at the ceiling. 'Was it Dr.

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