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Meanwhile said world continners to resolve round on her own axletree onct in every 24 hours, subjeck to the Constitution of the United States, and is a very plesant place of residence. It's a unnatral, onreasonable and dismal life you're leadin here. So it strikes me. My Shaker frends, I now bid you a welcome adoo. You hav treated me exceedin well. Thank you kindly, one and all.

I'll take him. Advise our Mr Blackburn to that effect, and ask him to deliver the goods at his earliest convenience. Adoo, mess-mate, adoo! And there you are that's how it was." "But what's wrong with Fenn?" "My dear chap! Remember last term. Didn't Fenn have a regular scrap with Kay, and get shoved into extra for it?

Dick Halkett, old Job, and me, we stood it.... Bang he rides at old Job and bowls him over a buster; runs young Dick through the body; slops me over the pate a good un; and steals away down the hill, waving his hand and crying 'Adoo! adoo! adoo! remember me! as if we was likely to forget him!" The big man mopped his bloody ear with a quizzical grin. "I know'd it was no good follerin.

After this, the Britains incouraged with this victorie, went to méet with Petus Cerealis lieutenant of the legion, surnamed the ninth, and boldlie incountering with the same legion, gaue the Romans the ouerthrow and slue all the footmen, so that Cerealis with much adoo escaped with his horssemen, and got him backe to the campe, and saued himselfe within the trenches.

Arvilly might have just as well spent her tears and entreaties on her soapstun. No, go he must and go he would. But like the good man he wuz, he made everything just as comfortable as he could for her and his little daughter, a pretty creeter that Arvilly too loved dearly. And then he bid 'em a sad adoo, for he loved 'em well, and Arvilly had made his home a comfortable and happy one.

Why, Tommy, your brains be all wool-gathered this mornin'! Can't you see that old Sir Ommaney is tellin' the cruiser to `carry on' as soon as she likes, and bid adoo to Spithead when she's weighed her anchor? See, too, sonny, the old Vict'ry and the Saint Vincent be now a-repeatin' the signal arter the Dook, the same as they did that first h'ist, jest now!"

"But I know it is too much to ask of you with all this doin's on your hands, millions of visitors comin' and goin' and thousands of help to look after, and I shan't say a word to you about it, only wishin' you could be there to enjoy it with us when it is ready. "And now thankin' you agin for all you've done for us I will bid you adoo." And I shook hands with him almost warmly.

"And so God bless you clear down to the river banks whose waves are a swashin' up so clost to our feet, and adoo. I never hearn a word from her, and I am afraid she died thinkin' I had slighted her. The next morning bright and early we went aboard the ship that wuz to take us home.

B'leeve me, my young fren', I kin place my old hands tenderly on the fair yung hed of the Virginny maid whose lover was laid low in the battle dust by a fed'ral bullet, and say, as fervently and piously as a vener'ble sinner like me kin say anythin', God be good to you, my poor dear, my poor dear." I riz up to go, & takin' my young Southern fren' kindly by the hand, I sed, "Yung man, adoo!

Them who think that a cane made from the timbers of the house I once boarded in is essenshall to their happiness, should not delay about sendin' the money right on for one. My reported captur by the North American savijis of Utah, led my wide circle of friends and creditors to think that I had bid adoo to earthly things and was a angel playin' on a golden harp. Hents my rival home was on expected.