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Updated: August 31, 2024

The lords perceiuing the danger, got them to their armor and weapons, and did their best by force to breake through and repell the townesmen. Fl. out of Tho. Maudelen fléeing into Scotland, was taken by the waie, and brought to the Tower. Walsing. Thom. Thus all the associats of this vnhappie conspiracie tasted the painefull penance of their plesant pastime.

And than comen jogulours and enchauntoures, that don many marvaylles: for thei maken to come in the ayr, the sonne and the mone, be semynge, to every mannes sight. And aftre thei maken the day to come azen, fair and plesant with bright sonne, to every mannes sight. And than thei bryngen in daunces of the faireste damyselles of the world, and richest arrayed.

She was the light of our party while we were together on our pilgrimage, a fair, gracious woman, gentle, but courageous, "ful plesant and amiable of port, estatelich of manere, And to ben holden digne of reverence." On the road from Philadelphia, I found in the same car with our party Dr.

"Against May, Whitsonday, or other time, all the yung men and maides, olde men and wives, run gadding over night to the woods, groves, hils, and mountains, where they spend all the night in plesant pastimes; and in the morning they return, bringing with them birch and branches of trees, to deck their assemblies withall.

Meanwhile said world continners to resolve round on her own axletree onct in every 24 hours, subjeck to the Constitution of the United States, and is a very plesant place of residence. It's a unnatral, onreasonable and dismal life you're leadin here. So it strikes me. My Shaker frends, I now bid you a welcome adoo. You hav treated me exceedin well. Thank you kindly, one and all.

This battell was fought anno 473. as the same Mat. This victorie was nothing plesant to the Saxons, by reason of the great losse which they susteined, as well by the death of the said Wipet, as of a great number of others: and so of a long time neither did the Saxons enter into the confines of the Britains, nor the Britains presumed to come into Kent.

J. says she adors him, and is amost afraide to be thort a Paygann for bestoeing so much affection on a erthly creetur, and this to oure good parson who cou'd find no reproche for her plesant folly. "We hav had heavy ranes all ye week last past. Sech wether can but serve to hinderr M.'s recovery.

Whether 'a pastorall plesant Commedie of Robin Hood and little John, entered to Edward White in the Stationers' Register, on May 14, 1594, could have justified its title may be questioned, but it is curious as suggesting an anticipation of Jonson's experiment.

She was the light of our party while we were together on our pilgrimage, a fair, gracious woman, gentle, but courageous, "ful plesant and amiable of port, estatelich of manere, And to ben holden digne of reverence." On the road from Philadelphia, I found in the same car with our party Dr.

I walked on shore this morning, the weather was more plesant, the snow has disappeared; the frost seems to have effected the vegetation much less than could have been expected the leaves of the cottonwood the grass the box alder willow and the yellow flowering pea seem to be scarcely touched; the rosebushes and honeysuckle seem to have sustaned the most considerable injury.

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