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"Whatever you may say, you must remember that it's the Almighty Himself who's taken his wits into safekeeping," said Lasse admonishingly; and for a little while they were quite serious at the thought. But seriousness could not claim more than was its due.

"I shouldn't think you would ask more than half-price for candy like this, anyway," said Eddy, admonishingly, and that was too much for the man. He shouted with laughter; not even Charlotte's face, which suddenly flushed with wrath, could sober him. She looked at him a moment while he laughed, and her face of severe judgment and anger intensified.

His father had made him a short, thick stick with rings on it, that he could rattle admonishingly and throw at the animals; but Pelle preferred the whip, because he was not yet strong enough to use it. He was little, and at first he had some difficulty in making an impression upon the great forces over which he was placed.

"This is awful," she panted, wiping her eyes and fanning her hot cheeks violently; "but when I begin to laugh I must just continue till I have emptied all the laughter out of me: then I am all right. No, Nellie, do not go away yet; wait till I am quite calm." Before Nellie could reply, Aunt Debby opened the door, and looking in shook her head admonishingly.

I don't like to have daddy ride off on such errands. Sometimes there are accidents." "I should think there would be!" exclaimed Nan Sherwood. "Why! two men already have been wounded." "Just like the moving pictures!" said Bess eagerly. "A five-reel thriller." "You wouldn't talk like that if Mr. Hammond should be hurt," said Grace admonishingly. "Of course he won't be!" returned Bess.

Flaubert, the apostle of the immobile, objected. Too many flirtations, too much exercise! he admonishingly cried. A writer must cultivate repose. In sooth Maupassant went a terrific pace. He abused his constitution from the beginning, seemingly tormented by seven restless devils.

There was a burst of laughter, and Corinne held up her hand admonishingly. "Not so much racket, children!" she said. "There! the gate is opened, and you can all go in to pasture. Little lambkins!" Nancy was carried on by the line to the open door. The pleasant-faced woman who had stood in the doorway of the lodge the evening before, was here, and she tapped Nancy on the shoulder.

"What's the matter, little man?" she asked in a kindly voice. "O-o-oh!" wailed the youngster. "Pa and ma won't take me to the pictures to-night." "But don't make such a noise," said the dame, admonishingly. "Do they ever take you when you cry like that?" "S-sometimes they do, an' an' sometimes they d-d-don't," bellowed the boy. "But it ain't no trouble to yell!"

"It is something to be fought against," said Cornelia admonishingly. "Is it something to be distrusted?" "I should say, yes." "Then I was wrong?" He stooped eagerly, in his temperate way, to catch sight of her answering face. Cornelia's quick cheeks took fire. She fenced with a question of two, and stood in a tremble, marvelling at his intuition. An event occurred that hurried them on.

"Well!" grunted Short and Long. "If he'd grabbed me, I reckon he'd have eaten me up before anybody could have helped." "You had no business on that man's land," said Laura, admonishingly. "And you did sauce him." "Ugh! who'd have thought he was so mean?" growled Short and Long. "Bet you have a care next time," said Lance, grinning. "But who do you suppose that fellow with the gun was?