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Updated: August 15, 2024

And darkness came, and strange sounds like far-off voices, and a murmur as of waters deepening in volume and rushing upon her. They reached her. She put out her hands and thought she cried out. The waters swept her away. "Cuckoo! Cuckoo! What is it? Cuckoo!" "She's a-comin' she's a-comin' to." "Give me some more water, then."

Bill Daugherty was in his glory and the old merchant was "feel-n' blue." Bill kept encouraging his workmen telling them that some "great big doin's was a-comin' off along about eaten' time." The restaurant man came with a fine dinner and furnished everything in the eating line but the coffee, and the saloon man was there with the "drinks."

"They ain't no time to change. They're a-comin' right up. Thinkright asked me to tell ye they'd be here for supper. They hain't had nothin' but trash on the road, I guess. Miss Lacey looks kind o' peak-ed;" and so saying, the old man drove on to the barn, his eyes closed tight as he slapped his knee in enjoyment of this second witticism, possibly even better than the first.

She treat 'em all mighty nice, 'cause the mo' come shovin' an' pushin' each other aroun', class or no class, why, the mo' harder that big class got to work to git her an' the mo' she got after her the mo' keeps a-comin'. But thishere young li'l Mista Dills, I kine o' got strong notion he liable not come no mo' 'tall!"

However, there wa'n't nothin' to do but wait and hope for the best, as the feller said when his wife's mother was sick. "It was gettin' pretty well along toward the edge of the evenin' when I smelt the wind a-comin'. It came in puffs at fust, and every puff was healthier than the one previous. Inside of ten minutes it was blowin' hard, and the seas were beginnin' to kick up.

To such a boy at such a moment there comes the firm conviction which increasing years can only emphasize: Home is but a poor prosaic place, but Home Ah, my brother, think on this Home is where Breakfast is. "Hay! Wait for me, you fellows! Hay! Hold on a minute. Well, ain't I a-comin' jis''s fast's ever I kin? What's your rush?" It is the exceptional boy has this experience.

I sat entranced as verse after verse flowed slowly on, every syllable clear and distinct as in speech; the subtle tyranny of vocal harmony admitting no intruding thought beyond a regretful sense that the song must end. But sorrow's sel' wears past, Jean, And joy's a-comin' fast, Jean, The joy that's aye to last, I' the land o' the leal.

"Surely I am the afflictedest 'oman on G'liath Mounting! An' ter-morrer Brother Pete's wife an' his gals air a-comin', and I hed laid off ter hev raised bread." For "raised bread" is a great rarity and luxury in these parts, the nimble "dodgers" being the staff of life. "I never went ter do it," muttered Nick.

"Here's Billy Stitts a-comin' now," replied the housewife, moving towards the door. "He's been worried to death about you bein' gone!" Beth ran at once for the stairs, and later, from the window, saw the faithful old Billy leading her pony away.

And I jest want you two young things to share the very best things in life when you're young, and when you grow old together you won't see the bald spot on his head gittin' bigger, and he won't see your gray hairs a-comin', 'cause you won't ever be lookin' above each other's eyes.

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