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When be you a-comin' back?" "I don't know." "Well, go long! good-luck to ye; keep to wind'ard o' squalls, George." Long nodded, and George drove on. That day the whole village of Westbury was in an uproar. News had come from Boston that the British were about to send out forces to possess themselves of all the military stores in the country, and forestall rebellion by rendering it helpless.

At first I figgered the police would be a-comin' after me; but they didn't there wasn't nobody at all seen the shootin', I reckin. And I was skeered Vic Magner might tell on me; but I guess she didn't want to run no risk of gittin' in trouble herself that Captain Brennan, of the Second Precinct, he's been threatenin' to run her out of town the first good chance he got.

While they was explorin' round in there, movin' round kind o' cautious, the door of the cap'n's stateroom swung open with a creak, just's though somebody was a-shovin' it slow like, and the ship give a kind of a stir and a rustlin', moanin' sound, as if she was a-comin' to life. The old man never made no secret but what he was scairt when he went through her that night.

On Thursday, Carrie called, bringing Emma some ice-cream which Aunt Eunice had made. She did not ask to see her, but before she left she asked Anna if she did not wish to buy her old piano. "What will you do without it?" asked Anna. "Oh," said Carrie, "I cannot use two. I have got a new one." The stocking dropped from grandmother's hand as she exclaimed: "What is the world a-comin' to!

Come out from cover, Hugh Roush." He stopped, and took the matter up from another angle. "You're a liar, you coyote. I'm not runnin' away. Two to one ... two to one ... I'll ride back an' gun you both. I'm a-comin' now." He pulled up and turned his horse. Faintly there came to Billie the thudding of horses' hoofs. In five minutes it would be too late to save either the sick man or himself.

"I seen him a-comin'," he said; "them rats from the bolt-factory was a-humpin' him, too! Guess if the freight hadn't a-come along they'd a-ketched him." The dog looked wistfully into Sanders's face, scanning him curiously, timidly putting out his paw and dropping it, as if he had been too bold, and wanted to make some sort of a dumb apology, like a poor relation who has come to spend the day.

"Dasth funny," remarked Toddie. "An' see all the peoples a-comin' along," continued Budge, "THEY know 'bout the deader, an' they're goin' to see it fixed. Here it comes. Hello, deader!" "Hay-oh, deader," echoed Toddie. What COULD deader mean? "Oh, here it is right in front of us," cried Budge, "and AIN'T there lots of people? An' two horses to pull the deader SOME deaders has only one."

Imagination's a splendid thing for a detective to possess, Dollops, but don't let yours run away with you in this fashion, my lad, or you'll never rise above what you are. Toddle along now, and look out for Mr. Narkom's arrival. It's after nine already, so he'll soon be here." "Anybody a-comin' with him, sir?" "I don't know he didn't say. Cut along, now; I'm busy!" said Cleek.

"I guess Jethro haint' a-comin' must hev b'en delayed by some of them politicians." "It's the first time I ever knew him to miss an appointment," said Cynthia, as they walked back to the hotel. Jethro was not in the corridor, so they passed on to the dining room and looked eagerly from group to group.

Behind the lattice, on these summer evenings, stands the militant figure of that old retainer, Bridget the cook, her stout arms akimbo, ready to engage in vigorous banter should Honora deign to approach. "Whisht, 'Nora darlint, it's a young lady yell be soon, and the beaux a-comin' 'round!" she would cry, and throw back her head and laugh until the tears were in her eyes.