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Thar's a good six hunnard of 'em, black an' yaller an' it's God A'mighty or Marse Christopher to 'em every one." "What is it now?" asked Christopher a little wearily, taking off his hat and running his hand through his thick, fair hair. "If anybody's been stealing chickens they've got to take the consequences." "Oh, it's not chicken stealin' this time; it's a blamed sight worse.

Th' owld Squire would a' been proud to see 'em this bright day! And as for the Lord A'mighty He knows what He's about I tell ye!" and Josey nodded his head with great sagacity "Some folks think He don't but He do!" The Bishop smiled. "Verily I have not found so great a faith no, not in Israel!" he murmured, as presently he rose and strolled away by himself for a while to muse and meditate.

Some other time," he began to say; then blushing scarlet, he seized her hand, and pressing it, said, fervently, "God bless you!" The second Mrs. Slimm is a wholesome little body, with dimples and freckles, whom Ezra declares "God A'mighty couldn't o' made without thinkin' of Ezra Slimm an' his precize necessities."

"Not but what I ain't willin' an' cheerful to die whenever the Lord A'mighty sends for me;" he would say "But I ain't got no fancy for bein' gashed and jambled." 'Gashed and jambled, was his own expression, one that had both novelty and suggestiveness.

His judgment was sometimes at fault, but she trusted his honesty implicitly and, though she gave him little of her confidence, it was so much more than she gave to any other person that he was flattered by it. "Guess what that Boston woolbuyer is offering me?" She tapped a letter. "No idee." "Twenty-six cents." Bowers whistled. "Gosh a'mighty! You're goin' to take it, ain't you?"

I heard him chasing them, and shouted for him to wait, but the poor fool pays no heed, but runs on after his three horses; and soon he screams out: "God a'mighty!" And, "Christ have mercy!"

An' when that time comes, why, I'll get right down on my knees an' pray A'mighty God he's the feller for her, an' the man I'm hopin' she'll choose, an' that he wants her, same as she wants him." Then he shook his head and a deep sigh escaped him. "But I don't know. It don't seem to me reasonable.

Ah, God A'mighty, and that dog of his got Tommy before I could pull a gun! Rufe, I could kill every sheepman in the Four Peaks for this every dam' one of 'em and the first dog that comes in sight of this ranch will stop a thirty-thirty." He stopped and turned away, cursing and muttering to himself.

The girl made a little gesture of pain, and then stepped softly over and, kneeling, looked into Throng's face. The lips were moving. "Dad," she said, "are you asleep?" "I be a durn fool, I be," he said in a whisper, and then he began to cough. She took his' hands. They were cold, and she rubbed them softly. "I feel so a'mighty holler," he said, gasping, "an' that bread's sour agin."

"You've said to God A'mighty that He wasn't able to work out to a good end what He'd let happen; and so you'd do His work for Him. You kept the lad hid away from the people that belonged to him, you kept him out of his own, and let others take his birthright.