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Scanning the wall closely, it seemed to her rough and jagged enough for her to do so with comparative safety. Just as she reached this decision, she heard a faint holloo from the same direction in which José had come and, turning her head quickly, she saw Mrs. Nitschkan hastening over the hill toward her. "Gosh a'mighty!" exclaimed the gypsy, when she had come within speaking distance.

God A'mighty 's best an' awnly judge how much you was wrong; an' you knaw He doan't blame 'e, else your heart would have been sore for it these years an' years. You never blamed yourself till now." "Ess, awften an' awften I did. It comed an' went, an' comed an' went again, like winter frosts. True as I'm living it comed an' went like that."

He found me at it once bruising of 'em. God a'mighty! what a hiding he give me! Edward felt depressed. He could not harmonize Hazel's personality with his mother's; he was shocked at her expressions; he was sufficiently fastidious to recoil from dirt; the thought of Abel as a father-in-law was little short of appalling.

Now, by the Lord A'Mighty, I know you've got TWO!" Olive rose. "Well," she declared emphatically, "that may be; but if both those men are goin' to start in swearin' right here in the sittin' room, I think it's high time SOMEBODY in that family went to church." So to prayer meeting she went, with Mrs.

"See here, Dan," the big man went on, leaning forward; "I knowed what your arrant was the fust minute I clapped eyes on you. You didn't know whether I could shoot with my left hand as well as my right I didn't choose you should know. I watched fer ye to be tryin' to put handcuffs on me any minute after you found my right hand was he'pless." "Lord A'mighty!

His words cut Sonora to the quick, and it was with difficulty that he braced himself to hear the worst. "Who's the man?" he inquired gruffly. The Sheriff's eyes fastened themselves upon him; at length with deadly coldness he drawled out: "Johnson's the man." All the colour went out of Sonora's face, while his lips ejaculated: "Gol A'mighty!"

She arose and went out of the wood, crossed a falling meadow and came to a rail fence surrounding a corn field. Jim Priest was cultivating corn and when he saw her left his horses and came to her. He took both her hands in his and pumped her arms up and down. "Well, Lord A'mighty, I'm glad to see you," he said heartily. "Lord A'mighty, I'm glad to see you."

She could stay here as long as she liked, but now I ain't got much." "But it can't run on this way, Gage," said Doctor Barnes. "That girl's clean as wheat. Something's got to be done about this." "Well, good God A'mighty!" said Sim Gage, "ain't that what I know? If only you'll tell me what's right to do, I sure will do it.

Isn't it a shame that an old soldier who has walked into the jaws of death hundreds of times should be picking up old iron in the streets of Paris? Ah! God A'mighty! 'twas a shabby trick to desert the Emperor. Well, my boy, the individual you saw this morning has made his forty francs a month. Are you going to do better? And, according to Finot, he is the cleverest man on the staff."

Seems to me the Lord God A'mighty said t' Hisself: 'Skipper Jim, says He, 'I'm through usin' you. I've done all the damage I want done along o' you. I've sent some o' the wicked t' beds they chose t' lie on; an' the good folk all the good folk an' little kids I couldn't wait no longer for, I loved un so I've took up here.