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Updated: August 17, 2024

"Is he nigh at hand?" inquired Mistress Flint anxiously. "I trow so," replied Anne, still occupied with the bars, "and reasonable rich to boot." "Marry, yonder's a jolly hearing!" said her mother. "How so," asked Mr Flint, pursing up his lips, "without he make us a gift of his riches?" "Dear heart alive!" suddenly ejaculated Mistress Flint, turning round on Helen.

And Dickie lifted the latch of smooth, brown, sun-warmed iron, and went up the brick path, as the old man slowly turned himself about in the chair. "Yonder's the well," he said; "draw up a bucket, if thy leg'll let thee, poor little chap!" "I draws water with my arms, not my legs," said Dickie cheerfully. "There's a blue mug in the wash-house window-ledge," said the old man.

Eddring's heart quickened in his bosom as he saw Miss Lady smile once more. "Come," said she, "let's explore our desert island; yonder's such a pretty little path," and she pointed down the path which Eddring had already investigated. "No," he said, "the cane is very wet; you'd better sit close by the fire, so that you will not feel the damp.

Does thee think we ought to let him take her off. Orphy. No, indeed! I think I could feel free to fight for her myself; that is, if fighting was not forbidden by Friends. Yonder's Israel coming to turn the cows into the clover-field. Little girl, lie quiet, and don't offer to show thyself. Israel now advanced "Well, girls," said he, "what's thee doing at the tinman's cart?

"There's more than one," rejoined William, desirous of escaping from his dilemma. "See, yonder's half a dozen of them!" "Theer ye be right, lad, though not in sayin' there's half a dozen. More like there be half a hundred o' 'em. There's sure to be that number, whar you see six a-blowin' at the same time. There be a `school' o' them, I be bound, maybe a `body."

Whatever had befallen on the rock, those who sought to force the lesser gate were, for the moment, driven back. Even little Dolly, mad at the gun like one whom no reason could restrain, heard me at last and obeyed my command. "Cease firing, lad!" roared I, "cease firing! Would you shoot the sea? Yonder's the captain's whistle. It means that the danger's nearer.

Yonder's Ford an' Frank a-comin'. Don't tell 'em, not jist yet." "They know all about it. They helped raise the money." "Did dey? Well, 'taint no use. All I's good for is eels and crabs and clams and sech. Har dey come. Oh, my!" But Ford and Frank brought a fresh gust of enthusiasm with them, and they had Dick and his eels up from the grass in short order. "We must see Mrs.

She lets him take his choice here is she, yonder's the secretary. He isn't worthy of her if he chooses Grace but his hesitation has proved him unworthy, anyhow. He'll never be to Mrs. Gregory what he was but if she spoke out, there'd be the publicity the lawyers, the newspapers, the staring in the streets...The old lady her mother is a fighter; she'd have driven out the secretary long ago.

Down yonder's only where they stay and raise Cain." "Yes," admitted Shorty, who had not so much reason for being enthusiastic; "but the Wisconsin boys say that Wisconsin's as much finer than Injianny as Injianny's finer'n Tennessee. I'll take you up there some day and show you." "Don't believe a dumbed word of it," said Si, hot with State pride. "God never made a finer country than Injianny.

But when she tried to kiss him, she only kissed the back of his head; for his white face and round eyes were turned to the door. "'Run, children; run and hide, said the giantess. "'Come, Buffy, said Tricksey; 'yonder's a great brake; we'll hide in it.

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