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Hempseed, dolefully, as a shower of raindrops fell with a sizzle upon the fire. "Aye! that it do," assented the worth host, "but then what can you 'xpect, Mr. 'Empseed, I says, with sich a government as we've got?" Mr. Hempseed shook his head with an infinity of wisdom, tempered by deeply-rooted mistrust of the British climate and the British Government. "I don't 'xpect nothing, Mr.

I don't 'xpect ye ter thank me fur w'at instruction I gi'n ye; there's some folks I niver du 'xpect nothin' from; you can't make a silk pus out uv a sow's ear. W'at ye got thet red flag out the keepin'-room winder fur? 'Cause Lurindy's nussin' Stephen? Wal, good-day!" And so Aunt Mimy disappeared, and the pat of butter with her.

She could not comprehend it at once, there were many explanations to be made, and Ralph's story was retold; but when the fact of his relation to her became fixed in her mind, it was to her a truth that could never afterward be shaken. "And will you come to live with us?" she asked him. "Yes," said Ralph, "I 'xpect to." "And will you play with me?"

What are you doing here?" "Oh, I ain't got it, and anyway, I haven't been home since our spring vacation in March. I am staying with Saint John, the new preacher at Hill Street Church, and I 'xpect if I don't get home pretty soon, he'll think I am lost, sure.

"Get well quick, dear," she whispered tenderly, holding the tiny, hot hand against her cheek after a quaint fashion they had of saying good-night to each other. "I can't have a good time even with Saint Elspeth and Glen if you are at home sick. Take your med'cine like a good girl, and about Wednesday I 'xpect Saint John will be coming after you if grandpa hasn't brought you before."

He hurried back to Philadelphia to get you and bring you to your parents, as the best means of breaking to them the glad news; and when he reached his home, what do you suppose he found?" Ralph smiled sheepishly, and said: "I 'xpect, maybe, I'd run away." "Yes, my boy, you had. You had left his sheltering roof and his fostering care, without his knowledge or consent.

Peace watched her for a time and then began again, "Are we going to have meat of any kind tomorrow?" "I am afraid not, dear." "What what do you 'xpect to have?" "Just potatoes and cabbage and beets, I guess." "It will seem kind of hard to be thankful for such a dinner as that, won't it?" sighed Peace.

The prettiest little house in the hull township, 'tis, too, an' where I 'xpect to end my days if I outlive her, which I hope I won't. An' her needin' business 'advice, indeed! When there ain't a man in Marsden, let alone all the women, can hold a candle to her for gumption an' clear-headedness.

Sally!" came in cheerful if none too melodious accents from the coffee-room close by. "Lud bless my soul!" exclaimed Sally, with a good-humoured laugh, "what be they all wanting now, I wonder!" "Beer, of course," grumbled Jemima, "you don't 'xpect Jimmy Pitkin to 'ave done with one tankard, do ye?" "Mr.

"No? how d'ye 'xpect to git out seein' that the walls and doors ain't made o' butter, nor yet o' turnips?" inquired Ben. "I'll go up the chimbley," said Bill savagely, for his mind had reverted to Nelly Blyth, and he could not bear to think of prolonged imprisonment. "But wot if they've got no chimbleys?" "I'll try the winders." "But if the winders is tight barred, wot then?"