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Miss Dimpleton never left home but on Sundays, and every morning laid in her provisions of chick-weed, bread, hempseed, and milk for her birds and herself, as Mrs. Pipelet observed. But she lived in Paris for the sake of Paris; she would have been miserable elsewhere than in the capital.

Hempseed sat there looking dejectedly across the room at the rivulets of moisture which trickled down the window panes. "No," replied Mr. Jellyband, sententiously, "I dunno, Mr. 'Empseed, as I ever did. An' I've been in these parts nigh on sixty years." "Aye! you wouldn't rec'llect the first three years of them sixty, Mr. Jellyband," quietly interposed Mr. Hempseed.

From an old Spanish proverb it would seem that the rosemary has long been considered as in some way connected with love: "Who passeth by the rosemarie And careth not to take a spraye, For woman's love no care has he, Nor shall he though he live for aye." Of flowers and plants employed as love-charms on certain festivals may be noticed the bay, rosebud, and the hempseed on St.

"You scatter it and say, 'Hempseed, I sow thee, hempseed, I sow thee; let him who is to marry me come after me and mow thee." An abashed titter ran through girlish Kaskaskia. "And what happens then?" "Then you look back and see somebody following you with a scythe." A suppressed squeal ran through girlish Kaskaskia.

So I sent for some hempseed for the bullfinch, and along with the hempseed they brought me wrapped round it, as it were, a printed handbill, as it might be, or advertisement, which I threw off, disregardingly, taking for granted it might have been some of those advertisements for lozenges or razor-strops, that meet one wherever one goes; but Miss Delacour picked it up, and found it was a kind of hue and cry after a stolen or strayed bullfinch.

"Never mind their hurting your wrists, young Hempseed," chuckled one of the scaldpated constable rogues who was guarding us. "You'll have enough to tighten your gullet after 'Sizes, as sure as eggs is eggs." "Nay, brother Grimstock, the elf's too young to be hanged," puts in another constable, with somewhat of a charitable visage. "Too young!" echoes he addressed as Grimstock.

Mannering; ye're no eating your meat; allow me to recommend some of the kipper It was John Hay that catcht it, Saturday was three weeks, down at the stream below Hempseed ford," etc., etc., etc.

"A somewhat remarkable thing to discover in a lady's bed-chamber, Mr. Narkom, unless Just step downstairs, and ask Miss Morrison to come up again for a moment, will you?" And then held out his hand so that Narkom could see, in passing, that a hempseed, two grains of barley, and an oat lay upon his palm.

"And let 'em murder, says I, and be demmed to 'em." said Mr. Hempseed, emphatically, for he had but little liking for his friend Jellyband's political arguments, wherein he always got out of his depth, and had but little chance for displaying those pearls of wisdom which had earned for him so high a reputation in the neighbourhood and so many free tankards of ale at "The Fisherman's Rest."

It was John Hay that catcht it, Saturday was three weeks, down at the stream below Hempseed ford, etc. etc. etc.