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He lost his balance, an' fell fr'm th' scaffoldin' he was wurrukin' on; an' th' last wurruds he said was, 'Did I get him or didn't I? Mrs. O'Grady said it was th' will iv Gawd; an' he was burrid at Calvary with a funeral iv eighty hacks, an' a great manny people in their own buggies. Dorsey, th' conthractor, was there with his wife. He thought th' wurruld an' all iv O'Grady.

We've been stringin' ropes across th' sthreet f'r th' people iv Saint Looey f'r thirty years an' handin' thim bricks fr'm th' chimbleys whiniver we got a chance, but we've on'y got wurruds an' loose change f'r thim whin th' hard times comes." "Yes," said Mr. McKenna, "I see even the aldhermen has come to the front, offering relief." "Well," said Mr.

They're Ogallallas to a man, barrin' the squaws and pappooses, wid ould Red Cloud himself." "How'd you find out if they wouldn't talk?" asked the staff officer impatiently. "'Twas the bucks wouldn't talk except in swear wurruds. I wasted no time on them, sorr.

"But I tell ye he's gone back. D'ye mind th' time we wint down to th' Coleesyum an' he come out in a black alapaca coat an' pushed into th' air th' finest wurruds ye iver heerd spoke in all ye'er bor-rn days? 'Twas a balloon ascinsion an' th' las' days iv Pompey an' a blast on th' canal all in wan.

Don’t you do ut, my lambdon’t you do ut!” She turned to them boththey had never seen her blue eyes so fiery before. “Suppose you was one av these poor little chilthren that lives round here that’s always had harrd wurruds for their meals and hunger for their pillow, wudn’t you be afther staling yersilf if ut came aisy-loike and nobody was luking?” Neither Billy nor Maida spoke for a moment.

"Ye shall not crucify mankind upon a crown iv thorns," said Mr. Hennessy. "Right ye ar-re, I forgot," Mr. Dooley went on. "Well, thim were his own wurruds. He was young an' he wanted something an' he spoke up. He'd been a rayporther on a newspaper an' he'd rather be prisidint thin write anny longer f'r th' pa-aper, an' he made th' whole iv th' piece out iv his own head.

"I'm sorry to be a-botherin' ye, Mis' Phut. It's Nellie speakin' Irish Nellie on the sixt'." "What's the trouble, Nellie?" "It's that six-eighteen again. She's goin' on like mad. She's carryin' on something fierce." "What about?" "Th' th' blankets, Mis' Phut." "Blankets? "She says it's her wurruds, not mine she says they're vile. Vile, she says." Martha Foote's spine had stiffened. "In this house!

Mulligan quit down somewhere in Kentucky; an' th' las' wurruds he was heard to utter was, 'Lay me down, boys, an' save th' flag. An there was manny th' other that had nawthin' to say but to call f'r a docthor; f'r 'tis on'y, d'ye mind, th' heroes that has somethin' writ down on typewriter f'r to sind to th' newspapers whin they move up.

"But nowadays he has tin wurruds f'r Thomas Jefferson an' th' rest iv th' sage crop to wan f'r himsilf. 'Fellow-dimmycrats, he says, 'befure goin' anny farther, an' maybe farin' worse, I reluctantly accipt th' nommynation f'r prisidint that I have caused ye to offer me, he says, 'an' good luck to me, he says. 'Seein' th' counthry in th' condition it is, he says, 'I cannot rayfuse, he says.

'Unaccustomed as I am to public speakin', I wish to addhress ye a few wurruds on th' situation iv th' poor in China. "'Assassin! hisses th' coort. "'Canal! says Matther Blamange. "At this moment th' door was burst open; an' an ex-Prisident iv Fr-rance come boundin' in, an', r-rushin' up th' steps iv th' thrybune, smacked Gin'ral Merceer in th' eye.