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Updated: August 19, 2024

Peachy sat drooped over, her hand supporting her chin and her knees supporting her elbows, her eyes fixed on the horizon-line. Her hair dried, too, but she did not touch it. It flowed down her back and spread into a pool of gold on the sand. She might have been a mermaid cast up by that sea on which she gazed with such a tragic wistfulness and forever cut off from it.

Four o'clock brought the cab, and they drove down the long hills, looking back often for a final glimpse of the waving grass and the gray stones. As they turned a sharp corner and lost sight of the old fort, Mary Leonard glanced furtively at her companion. Her own eyes for the second time that day were not quite clear, and she was not sorry to detect an added wistfulness in Lucy Eastman's gaze.

Helen, do you believe he meant Morris?" and lifting up her face, Katy looked at her sister with a wistfulness which told how anxiously she waited for the answer. "I know that he meant Morris," Helen replied. "Bell thinks so, too. So does her father, and both bade me tell you to revoke your decision, to marry Dr. Grant, with whom you will be so happy." "I cannot. It is too late.

"Only in the waistcoat," repeated Count Victor, complacently looking at his own scallops. "Even that!" said the Baron, with the odd wistfulness in his voice. And then he added hurriedly, "Not that the tartan's anything wonderful. It cost the people of this country a bonny penny one way or another.

Many of her walks were filled with imaginary conversations with her husband, in which she argued, protested, reproached. She was lonely, she was still strange to the city, and she was approaching her ordeal. Even when he was with her, she missed the old loverlike attitude. She was wistful, gentle, dependent now, and she knew her wistfulness and gentleness and dependence vaguely irritated.

That would be jolly decent of you." The wistfulness vanished in a laugh that was quick and musical, wholly spontaneous. "You bet I will!" said Bunny. "Right O! Mind you do! Now get out of the way and see me jump that rose tree!"

"Can't we come over again before to-morrow?" asked Dick, with a wistfulness that caused a general smile. "If you don't come over except when you're especially sent for," declared Miss Meade, "you'll wake up some morning in the near future and find us gone on to the next camping place." Dick had already told Dr.

But it bore a noble head with a broad, full brow and a strong, intellectual face that had in it something of the elder woman's sweetness of expression. But in her brown eyes the other's softness and wistfulness gave place to a keener, more flashing look that told of a high and soaring spirit.

"It's nothing at all. You don't think that Englishmen would leave a fellow to bleed to death, do you?" "No English boy good," said the redskin. Then he added, with a sort of wistfulness: "But Indian would leave pale-face " "Rot!" was the sharp interruption. "If I had been hurt as you have been, you would do just the same. Now lie quiet for a while.

But ere he gained the hillock, and while his thoughtful eyes were bent on the ground, he felt his arm seized tenderly turned and beheld Edith's face full of unutterable and anxious love. With that love, indeed, there was blended so much wistfulness, so much fear, that Harold exclaimed: "Soul of my soul, what hath chanced? what affects thee thus?"

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