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He writhed on his bed, and something appeared at his lips which was like froth. His lovely daughter sprang to him with a cry of fear and woe. But he was not dying; he was only mad with rage. "How dare you? How dare you?" he gasped. "You whelp of Satan!" "'Tis me that would not be fearing to dare anything," I rejoined calmly. "I would not so.

For a moment I seemed, in spite of the viciousness of the blow, to retain a spark of consciousness, for I knew he kicked me savagely with his heavy sea boots; I felt the pain, and even heard the words, and curses, accompanying each brutal stroke. "You drunken dog! You whelp of a sea wolf! You English cur! Take that damn you! And that!

Besides such volunteers as were accepted to work, only Sissy and Rachael were at first permitted within this ring; but, later in the day, when the message brought an express from Coketown, Mr. Gradgrind and Louisa, and Mr. Bounderby, and the whelp, were also there.

He thrust out his palm in a wild gesture. "Keep away from me! I'll split your heart if you touch me!" Morris advanced another step, his eyes looking straight into Miner's with the level look of a tiger's. "No, y' won't! You're too much of an infernal, sneaky little whelp!" At the word whelp, he cuffed him with his hammerlike fist, and Miner went down in a heap.

All of a sudden Billy broke away, and, rushing towards the stern, sprang wildly into the sea! "Down with the helm! heave-to!" shouted some of the men. "No, no, let the whelp go," cried others; "besides, he'd be able to peach on us." This last argument was all-powerful. The ship held on her course, and Billy was left to his fate.

Mother screeched, and Sal bolted off for Dad, while the snake glided silently up the yard. Anderson, passing on his old bay mare, heard the noise, and came in. He examined Joe's finger, bled the wound, and was bandaging the arm when Dad rushed in. "Where is he?" he said. "Oh, you d d whelp! You wretch of a boy! MY God!" "'Twasn' MY fault." And Joe began to blubber. But Anderson protested.

The day before he had called upon his grandfather, who told him out of the pallor window to "go to h ; you may call tomorrow, you cowardly whelp, if you wish to see me but in the meantime," he added as before, "go where I desired you."

Why, you whelp, you even won other fellows' girls away from them, not because you wanted the girls, but because in the marrow of those about you, those who set your moral pace, was the instinct of the wild stallion and the bull-seal. Well, the years have passed, and what do you think about it now?" As if in reply, the vision underwent a swift metamorphosis.

Such velvet darkness in the eye, such statuesque lines, such rose-leaf color, such hair 'hair like the thistle-down tinted with gold, as John Mills, the Scotch poet-player, sang. The old man Raynier worshipped her, perhaps as a wild beast loves its whelp. But he had all sorts of fanciful names for her, Heart's-ease and Heart's Delight, and Violet and Rose and Lily.

"I move we give the whelp six hours to git out'n the county," said Joe Longfield. "You all know I've been agin Toot." "That would be too merciful," said Burks. "Boys," the leader cried, "Wambush has broke a rule in tryin' this thing on us. You've heerd the motion; is thar a second?" "I second it," said Jim Hunter.