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Yet the noise of it struck his nerves loud as a clap of thunder, and those of Jeekie also, for he felt him start at his side and heard the sudden hammerlike beat of his heart. What was the woman doing in this dreadful place, he wondered. Well, it was easy to guess. Doubtless she had brought them here to scare and impress them.

He thrust out his palm in a wild gesture. "Keep away from me! I'll split your heart if you touch me!" Morris advanced another step, his eyes looking straight into Miner's with the level look of a tiger's. "No, y' won't! You're too much of an infernal, sneaky little whelp!" At the word whelp, he cuffed him with his hammerlike fist, and Miner went down in a heap.

Spurgeon's sermon was a plain, direct, and exceedingly forcible appeal to their judgment and emotions. There was no attempt at rhetoric, but hard, hammerlike blows. As he rose in his indignation and denunciation of some current evils, and illustrated his argument with the Old Testament examples of the punishment of sinners, the audience became greatly excited.

Wearying, sickening masses of documents; interminable writing of signature; interminable making of lists. And then the word LOT. "Lot I," "Lot 2," "Lot 50," "Lot 200" a hammerlike word to thump the brain at night, frightening sleep, producing grotesque nightmares, as "Lot 12, a polished oak coffin, finished plain, brass Handles." No! No!

It seems not to be generally known that finger-pressure has much to do with tone-quality. The correct poise of the left hand, as conspicuously shown by Heifetz for instance, throws the extreme tips of the fingers hammerlike on the strings, and renders full pressure of the string easy.