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Updated: August 16, 2024

'It seems strange, she said, 'how as one man turns up, another just disappears. Why, it were but upo' Tuesday as Kinraid come back, as all his own folk had thought to be dead; and next day here's Measter Hepburn as is gone no one knows wheere! 'That's t' way i' this world, replied Coulson, a little sententiously.

I think I shall go about among them as gnash their teeth for iver, while yo' are wheere all tears are wiped away. 'No! said Philip, turning round his face, forgetful of himself in his desire to comfort her. 'God pities us as a father pities his poor wandering children; the nearer I come to death the clearer I see Him.

I'd liefer by far be i' that world wheere there's neither marrying nor giving in marriage, for it's all a moithering mess here. She turned to the closed Bible lying on the dresser, and opened it with a bang. While she was adjusting her spectacles on her nose, with hands trembling with passion, she heard Philip say, 'I ask yo'r pardon, I'm sure. I couldn't well come any other day.

I'd liefer by far be i' that world wheere there's neither marrying nor giving in marriage, for it's all a moithering mess here. She turned to the closed Bible lying on the dresser, and opened it with a bang. While she was adjusting her spectacles on her nose, with hands trembling with passion, she heard Philip say, 'I ask yo'r pardon, I'm sure. I couldn't well come any other day.

I reckon I thought he were i' London, wheere he'd been that time afore, yo' know, and had allays spoke as if he'd enjoyed hissel' tolerable; and then Molly Brunton told me on t' other one's marriage; and, somehow, it gave me a shake in my heart, and I began for to wish I hadn't said all them words i' my passion; and then that fine young lady come wi' her story and I've thought a deal on it since, and my mind has come out clear.

Here, lad, thou can read print easy; it's a bit as was cut out on a papper; there's Newcassel, and York, and Durham, and a vast more towns named, wheere folk can learn a' about t' new mak' o' pleugh. 'I see, said Philip: "Robinson, Side, Newcastle, can give all requisite information." 'Ay, ay, said Robson; 'thou's hit t' marrow on t' matter.

'It'll be a nice time o' year, said Sylvia, a little surprised at Kester's evident discouragement at the prospect of the journey or absence; he had often been away from Monkshaven for a longer time without seeming to care so much about it. 'Well, yo' see it's a bit hard upon me for t' leave my sister she as is t' widow-woman, wheere a put up when a'm at home.

"You have a choice between this hole and the hangman's cord at Lancaster, that is all. In either case you will die by suffocation. But be quick we have wasted time enough already with you." "Then if that's aw yo'll do fo' me, squire, eyn e'en stay wheere ey am," rejoined Jem. "Very well," replied Nicholas. "Here, my man, stop up this hole with earth and stones.

I think I shall go about among them as gnash their teeth for iver, while yo' are wheere all tears are wiped away. 'No! said Philip, turning round his face, forgetful of himself in his desire to comfort her. 'God pities us as a father pities his poor wandering children; the nearer I come to death the clearer I see Him.

It's a fine thing to live in a large town, Sylvia; an' if yo're looking out for a husband, I'd advise yo' to tak' one as lives in a town. I feel as if I were buried alive comin' back here, such an out-o'-t'-way place after t' Side, wheere there's many a hundred carts and carriages goes past in a day.

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