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Updated: August 20, 2024

She entered in one of the uncontrollable gales of laughter, the indoor heat immediately inducing the dizziness. "Whatta you think I yam? Tell it to the poodles and the great Danes!" Thirty minutes later, in a court-room as smeared of atmosphere as a dirty window, a bridge officer, reading from a slip of paper, singsonged to the sergeant-at-arms: "Stella Schump. Officer Charles Costello."

Whatta fool I bin!" And then he set himself to see just what he had done, while the high walls of sin seemed to rise closer about him, and his face burned with the heat of the pit into which he had put himself. There was that guy Shafton sissyman! He had put him in the parsonage along with his beloved teacher!

Before me sits the Chinese my friend who, when the hurlyburly's done, spins me out the hours with narratives of ancient Yellowland. His name is Fuey Fong, and he speaks to me thus: "Missa Gordon, whatta is Chrisinjin Indevil Shoshiety?" I explain to him as best a journalist may the purpose of the Society for Christian Endeavour. "We', dissa morning I go down to lailload station.

Those he had met were mostly ambitious reformers. Furthermore, any stranger who mentioned the name of the Arizonan became instantly an object of suspicion. "What about him?" "I understand that you and he are not on friendly terms. I've gathered that from what's been told me. Am I correct?" Durand thrust out his salient chin. "Say! Who the hell are you? What's eatin' you? Whatta you want?"

"You ain't much wet, are you, Doll?" "Bo-o-o-o!" "Here, waiter, get the lady a coat or something. Gad! you're the hit of the place, Doll! Aw, you ain't cold, hon? Look, you ain't even wet through what you shaking about?" She drew inward little breaths of shivery glee. "I ain't wet! Say, whatta you think that fountain's spouting gasoline? I ain't wet!

I just wonder, I just wonder." "Now, just whatta you bet he'll be up to supper to-night, Miss Mae? If I was you, dearie, I wouldn't be scared, I'd just go right to the telephone and " "He gets so sore, Loo. You remember that time I telephoned him about that case of wine he sent up and it came busted, and his mother his old woman was in the office.

They measured with a tape-line the distance from the floor and the side walls to the place where each bullet struck. Tim dug out the bullet they had found. They were back in the front room again when a huge figure appeared in the doorway and stood there blocking it. "Whatta youse doin' here?" demanded a husky voice. Muldoon nodded a greeting. "'Lo, Dave.

She bubbled into the glass, her eyes laughing at him above its rim. "Aw gone!" He clicked again with his fingers. "Once more, Charlie!" he said, shoving their pair of glasses to the table-edge. "You ain't the only money-bag around the place!" she cried, flopping down on the table-cloth a bulky wad tied in one corner of her handkerchief. "Well, whatta you know about that? Pay-day?"

Whatta you wanna do freeze a fellow out?" Her eyes would betray her. "Any old time I could freeze you, Charley." "Honest?" "You're the one that freezes me all the time. You're the one that keeps me guessing and guessing where I stand with you." A sudden lurch and he caught her as she swayed. "Come, Sweetness, this is our corner.

"You so big and strong and all!" He smiled at her and his teeth flashed. "Gad, little girl, if you got a right to be scared, whatta you think I had? I seen your card over at the clinic last night, and you ain't got no right to have that down-and-out look on you had this morning. If you think you got something to be scared at you looka my old card at the clinic some day; they keep it for show.

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