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Take care of your horse, as you would of the apple of your eye I am sure I would, if I were a gentleman, which I don't ever expect to be, and hardly wish, seeing as how I am sixty-nine, and am rather too old to ride yes, cherish and take care of your horse as perhaps the best friend you have in the world; for, after all, who will carry you through thick and thin as your horse will? not your gentlemen friends, I warrant, nor your upper servants, male or female; perhaps your lady would, that is, if she is a whopper, and one of the right sort; the others would be more likely to take up mud and pelt you with it, provided they saw you in trouble, than to help you.

Surely, you do not expect that a young man should live as long as that without ever admiring a pretty face, and even telling its owner so, do you?" "I never once thought about that, at all, papa," said Salome, in a mournful tone. "No, I'll warrant you didn't! Well, don't think anything more of it now. And don't expect too much of human nature. In this year of grace there are no saints left alive!

The bon-mot was repeated by Mr Tomkins to the end of his existence, not only for its own sake, but because it gave him an opportunity of entering into a detail of the whole fete the first he had ever given in his life. "Ah, Jacob, my boy, glad to see you come and help here they'll soon be thirsty, I'll warrant," said Mr Turnbull, who was in his glory.

During this period sufficient intelligence concerning Sterne is current to warrant the additional statement thatThis Mr.

John Roberts: "Complete Cannoneer." Captain Master Lieutenant Warrant officers Duties and privileges

I warrant meby the great gods! asleep!" exclaimed the other; "but come!—come, let us onward,—I trow we have been waited forand as we go, tell me, I do beseech thee, what was’t that Cassius said, when the slave lay beside ye?—" "Nay, but I have forgottensome trivial thing or otheroh! now I do bethink me, he said it was a long walk to Marcus Læca’s." "Fool! fool!

I pleased myself with the design, without determining whether I was ever able to undertake it; not but that the difficulty of launching my boat came often into my head; but I put a stop to my own inquiries into it by this foolish answer, which I gave myself; Let me first make it, I'll warrant I'll find some way or other to get it along, when it is done.

They went away well pleased, for even if this suggestion should not lead to anything of consequence they had enough already to warrant "scare heads" over tomorrow's story and to furnish a narrative of even more "human interest" than the one set forth that morning. Mildred Annister opened the paper the next morning with the greatest eagerness and expectation.

Tell me, proud lords," she added, wiping away the tears as she spoke, "by what earthly warrant can liege subjects pretend to challenge the rights of an anointed Sovereign to throw off the allegiance they have vowed, and to take away the crown from the head on which Divine warrant hath placed it?" "Madam," said Ruthven, "I will deal plainly with you.

Meantime, calmly as he could for he was young, and warm blooded, and in all respects a good instrument to be carried away by righteous indignation he took careful note of the stranger, who kept his place as if by warrant, occasionally addressing the shrinking maiden. Sergius was now more curious than angry; and he cared less to know who the conspirator was than how he looked.