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"'Per varios casus, per tot discrimina rerum Tendimus in Latium "How will you read the omen?" "You say," said I, "that had we found our kinsmen here we had found them in league against freedom, and friends of the tyranny we are here to fight?" "Assuredly." "Then, sir, let me read the omen as a lesson, and avoid my kinsmen's mistake." My father smiled and clapped me on the shoulder.

Hoc urbis mores varios, hominumque recessus Indicat: ergo abeat qui cupit esse pius." During the eighteenth century Italy did not abound in poets or wits, and Master Pasquin seems to have shared in the dulness of the times.

The like I may say of flax, which by law ought to be sown in every country town in England, more or less; but I see no success of that good and wholesome law; sith it is rather contemptuously rejected than otherwise dutifully kept in any place in England. "Eventus varios res nova semper habet." "An innovation, has always mixed effects."

Hic labor, hoc opus Per varios casus, per tot discrimina rerum, Silvestrem tenui. But we must observe, that there is a great difference of Texts. For all Texts come not asunder alike!

A lady who had not learned discretion by experience, and came to an evil end. He shook his head, as he sadly repeated, " -misera ante diem, subitoque accensa furore;" but when he came to the lines, "Ergo Iris croceis per coelum roscida pennis Mille trahens varios adverso Sole colores,"

Peca además el plan por donde los más del mismo poeta: ya en otra ocasión hemos dicho que estos planes en que varios personajes fingen una intriga para escarmiento de otro, son incompletos y conspiran contra la convicción, que debe ser el resultado del arte.

"Per varios casus, per tot discrimina rerum." Not pulled up by chance, nor by any great admittance; I will only describe his natural parts, and these of his own acquiring.

Principal Robertson came to us as we sat at breakfast, he advanced to Dr. Johnson, repeating a line of Virgil, which I forget. I suppose, either Post varios casus, per tot discrimina rerum or multum ille et terris jactatus, et alto . Every body had accosted us with some studied compliment on our return. Dr. Johnson said, 'I am really ashamed of the congratulations which we receive.

"'Salvete Domini! said he, in good fresh Latin. "'Tu sis salvus, quoque! said I to him, for my comrade wasn't cute, an' I was always orathor. "'Unde veniti? said he, comin' over us wid another deep piece of larnin' the construction of which was, 'where do yez come from? "I replied, 'Per varios casus et tot discrimina rerum, venimus a Mayo. "'Good! said he, 'you're bright; follow me.

A lady who had not learned discretion by experience, and came to an evil end. He shook his head, as he sadly repeated, " misera ante diem, subitoque accensa furore"; but when he came to the lines, "Ergo Iris croceis per coelum roscida pennis Mille trahens varios adverso Sole colores,"