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Updated: August 12, 2024

A Pox upon't, I went the wrong way to work, and courted the Daughter; but indeed my Father, the late Governour of Cadiz, whose Estate and Honour I now enjoy, was then living; and, fearing he would not consent to my Passion, I endeavoured to keep it secret, though sacred Vows had past between us two. Ant. Did she not tell you of this Marriage with old Francisco? Car.

Panurge was so overjoyed, seeing this, and laughed so heartily, that he was forced to hold his sides, and it set him into a fit of the colic for two hours and more. I had a mind, quoth he, to make the dogs drink, and those honest whirlpools, egad, have saved me that labour and that cost. There's sauce for them; ariston men udor. Water is good, saith a poet; let 'em Pindarize upon't.

"We maun gar wheat-flour serve us for a blink," said Niel, in a tone of resignation; "it's no that ill food, though far frae being sae hearty or kindly to a Scotchman's stamach as the curney aitmeal is; the Englishers live amaist upon't; but, to be sure, the pock-puddings ken nae better."

Rely upon't, Bishop Patterson, that, unless we chop off the whole connexions of the conspiracy, you can hope neither for homage nor reverence in your appointments." "I could wish," replied the Bishop, "that some experiment were made of a gentler course than has hitherto been tried.

"On Sabbath, though, she had him to hersel, an' he wasna so bright as usual. I dinna ken 'at he was broodin' ower the glove, but she thocht he was, an' just afore the kirk came oot she couldna stand it nae langer. She put her hand in her pouch, an pu'd oot the glove, wi' the paper round it, just as it had been when she came upon't.

Oh, a very thriving Calling, Sir, and I have a young Wife to practise with. I know your Rogues. Sir Cau. A young Wife! 'tis so, his Gentlewoman has been at Hot-Cockles without her Husband, and he's Horn-mad upon't. Sir Feeb. I grant it, Sir but to the business, Sir, I came for. Sir Cau. With all my Soul Enter Bredwel and Gayman at the door. Bredwel sees them, and puts Gayman back again. Bred.

The King of Morocco, I thinke. Ri. Tis so, she dreames. What strange Chimeras wee Doe fancie in our sleepe! I were best wake her. Madam, Madam! La. O Murder, Murder! Ri. Sweet heart, Madam, wake! La. Whoes that? Ri. Tis I. La. Sir Richard? Oh you have delivered me From such a dreame I quake to thinke upon't. Ri. I must confesse you frighted me at first. Enter Dorothy. Do. Ri.

'tis too monstrous; And you forget your self, your birth, your honour, The name of Soldier if you suffer this, Suffer from these, these things, these pox upon't! These molds of men made noble by your services, Your daylie sweatts. 1 Cap. It must not be endured thus, The wrong extends to us, we feele it severally. 2 Cap.

"Now I would speak the last Farewell, but cannot; It would be still Farewell a thousand times; So let us part in the dumb pomp of grief." "Rumor is a pipe Blown by surmises, jealousies, conjectures, And if so easy and so plain a stop The still discordant, wavering multitude Can play upon't." At that time, Mary saw no more of her Cousin Allan.

Lovel, that the last inroad of these pretended friends to cleanliness was almost as fatal to my collection as Hudibras's visit to that of Sidrophel; and I have ever since missed My copperplate, with almanacks Engraved upon't and other knacks My moon-dial, with Napier's bones, And several constellation Stones; My flea, my morpeon, and punaise, I purchased for my proper ease.

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