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She cannot from the Paths of Honour rove, Whose Guide's Religion, and whose End is Love. SCENE III. Changes to a Wash-house, or Out-House. Enter with a Dark-lanthorn Bredwel disguis'd like a Devil, leading Gayman. Bred. Gay.

Bred. Mr. Crap, being busy with a borrowing Lord, sent me to Mr. Wasteall, whose Lodging is in a nasty Place called Alsatia, at a Black-Smith's. L. Ful. But what's all this to Gayman? Bred. Madam, this Wasteall was Mr. Gayman. L. Ful. Gayman! Saw'st thou Gayman? Bred. Madam, Mr. Gayman, yesterday. L. Ful. When came he to Town? Bred. Madam, he has not been out of it. L. Ful.

Bellmour has meanwhile revealed himself to Leticia, who is plunged in despair at the nuptials. Lady Fulbank, who is present, greets Gayman and asks him to give her an assignation in the garden, but he excuses himself in order to keep his prior appointment, and she leaves him in dissembled anger.

Bredwel, to pass Gayman out undetected, ushers him through the room white-sheeted like a ghost, and the two old fools are well frightened, but eventually they conclude there has been some mistake or trick. Sir Feeble returns home to find Leticia with her jewels about to flee, but she succeeds in reassuring him.

Gayman was played by Frank Leigh, son of the famous low comedian; Sir Feeble Fainwou'd by Bullock. On 25 November, 1786, there was produced at Drury Lane a comedy by Mrs. Behn's play, though a very good one is too indecent to be ever represented again. Mrs.

Come, come let's in then Gentlemen and Ladies, And share to day my Pleasures and Delight, But Adds bobs, they must be all mine own at Night. SCENE I. Gayman's Lodging. Enter Gayman in a Night-Cap, and an old Campaign Coat tied about him, very melancholy. Gay. Curse on my Birth! Curse on my faithless Fortune! Curse on my Stars, and curst be all but Love!

Heaven forbid, not I, I have not met with that Wonder in all my Travels. L. Ful. How, Sir, not an honest Woman? Bea. Enter Gayman richly drest. Gay. This Love's a damn'd bewitching thing Now though I should lose my Assignation with my Devil, I cannot hold from seeing Julia to night: hah there, and with a Fop at her Feet. L. Ful. Oh, Sir, you're welcome from Northamptonshire. Gay. L. Ful.

Bred, who are talking, and Gayman. L. Ful. But dost thou think he'll come? Bred. I do believe so, Madam L. Ful. Be sure you contrive it so, he may not know whither, or to whom he comes. Bred. L. Ful. How now, what, departing? Gay. You are going to the Bride-Chamber. L. Ful. No matter, you shall stay Gay. I hate to have you in a Croud. L. Ful.

Gay. This is the first thing in Petticoats that ever dar'd me in vain. Were I but sure she were but human now for sundry Considerations she might down but I will on SCENE IV. A Chamber in the Apartments of L. Fulbank. Enter Old Woman followed by Gayman in the dark. Gay. Hah, Musick and Excellent! Gay. What the Devil can all this mean?

Julia, how easily would I abandon that Trifle for your more valued sight; but that I know a fortune will render me more agreeable to the charming Julia, I should quit all my Interest here, to throw my self at her Feet, to make her sensible how I am intirely her Adorer. Charles Gayman.

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