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Oh! that's the business of another day, a mistake only, Madam. L. Ful. Away, I'm asham'd to see wise Men so weak; the Fantoms of the Night, or your own Shadows, the Whimseys of the Brain for want of Rest, or perhaps Bredwel, your Man who being wiser than his Master, play'd you this Trick to fright you both to Bed. Sir Feeb.

Go home and sleep, Sir Ad, and ye keep your Wife waking to so little purpose, you'll go near to be haunted with a Vision of Horns. Sir Feeb. Enter Bredwel to the Door in a white Sheet like a Ghost, speaking to Gayman who stands within. Bred.

Mr. Gayman, a Spark of the Town, Lover of Julia, Mr. Betterton. Mr. Bellmour. contracted to Leticia. disguis'd, and passes for Sir Feeble's Nephew, Mr. Kynaston. Mr. Bearjest, Nephew to Sir Cautious, a Fop, Mr. Jevon. Capt. Noisey, his Companion, Mr. Harris. Mr. Bredwel, Prentice to Sir Cautious, and Brother to Leticia, in love with Diana, Mr. Bowman. Rag, Footman to Gayman.

No, Sir you do not like me a canvas Bag of wooden Ladles were a better Bed-fellow. Gay. Cruel Tormenter! Oh, I could kill myself with shame and anger! L. Ful. Come hither, Bredwel witness for my Honour that I had no design upon his Person, but that of trying his Constancy. Bred.

You are so generous, Sir, that 'tis almost with grief I receive the Blessing of Leticia. Sir Feeb. No, no, thou deservest her; she would have made an old fond Blockhead of me, and one way or other you wou'd have had her ods bobs, you wou'd Enter Bearjest, Diana, Pert, Bredwel, and Noisey. Bea. Justice, Sir, Justice I have been cheated abused assassinated and ravisht! Sir Cau.

So as Trincolo says, wou'd you were both hang'd for me, for putting me in mind of my Husband. For I have e'en no better luck than either of you Let our two Fates warn your approaching one: I love young Bredwel and must plead for him. Dia. I know his Virtue justifies my Choice: But Pride and Modesty forbids I shou'd unlov'd pursue him. Let. Wrong not my Brother so, who dies for you Dia.

Esdalle, English Tales and Romances, enumerates sixteen versions, editions and abridgements, concluding with 'The Seventh Edition' 12mo, 1733. p. 214 Enter Bredwel. Loveby is benefited to the tune of two hundred and fifty pounds, which are filched from the study of old Lord Nonsuch, who complains in much the same way as Sir Cautious.

Bredwel gives her a Letter. Lady Fulbank reads. Did my Julia know how I languish in this cruel Separation, she would afford me her pity, and write oftner. If only the Expectation of two thousand a year kept me from you, ah!

He is discovered, unknown to himself, in his slummy retreat by Bredwel, Sir Cautious' prentice, who has to convey him a message with reference to the expiration of the mortgage, and who reveals the secret to Lady Fulbank.

Sure my good Angel, or my Genius, In pity of my Love, and of Leticia But see Leticia comes, but still attended Enter Leticia, Lady Fulbank, Diana. L. Ful. I was sick to know with what Christian Patience you bore the Martyrdom of this Night. Let. As those condemn'd bear the last Hour of Life. Dia. Let. And so do I, I fear he has undone me Dia. And me, in breaking of his word with Bredwel L. Ful.

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