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I am glad of it, from my heart and soul! I wish you knew all I could tell you about Mr. Trevor: but it is quite unpossible that I should remember it one half. Only this I will say, and dare the best man in England to deny it, there is not such another brave and kind-hearted gentleman walks the earth. I have had proof enough of it.

"True for ye, Stiff, it was the fav'rite tipple o' me owld mother, an' I'm fond of it on that score, not to mention other raisins of a private natur'." "Couldn't ye make these reasons public?" said Walter. "Unpossible!" said Larry, with much gravity, as he helped himself to another can of tea. "Come, time's up," said Robin abruptly, as he rose to put on his snow-shoes.

"There is only one way to get out of this scrape," said Hunston. "Out with it then." "Why, earn forty pounds apiece and stow me away on board in the hold, anywhere, until you are out at sea," said the fugitive. The two sailors looked hard at each other. "Can't do it." "No." "Why not?" "Unpossible." "I'll tell you why not. Our skipper is the best commander afloat, on'y he won't have no nonsense.

"Well, William?" "There's a man come after you from Cropstone Farm, sir. His missus is took sudden." "What? It's not the old lady then? It's the young mistress?" "Yes; she's in labour, sir; leastways she was he's been three hours on the road. I reckon it's all over by this time. You won't go, sir! It's morally unpossible." "Won't go! It's morally impossible not. You knew I would go.

"I COULDN'T, maester, 'tis unpossible, I could NOT. Oh dear! oh dear! isn't it bad enough to lose the sweetest child that ever saw light, without taking in an outcast to fill that dear angel's place? Oh dear! oh dear!"

No, lad; my present idea is it is unpossible, though, if we detarmines at last there ain't nothing else for us to do but to try for it, Hiram Little ain't the man to die without making a hard fight for his life; but I tell you, lad, I looks on it as unpossible.

"Humph! Well then," said Gildart, "I want you to let your daughter Susan get spliced to Dan Horsey." Haco frowned, and said, "Unpossible." "Come now, don't be hard on them, skipper; Dan is a good fellow and a first-rate groom." "He's an Irish blackguard," said Haco, "and not worth a pinch of his namesake."

But if he to whom thou stickst, loses, thou art received by him; and, while he is able, he aydes thee, and so thou becomest partner of a fortune that may arise again; the second case, when they that enter into the lists together, are of such quality, that thou needest not fear him that vanquisheth, so much the more is it discretion in thee to stick to him; for thou goest to ruine one with his assistance, who ought to do the best he could to save him, if he were well advised; and he overcomming, is left at thy discretion; and it is unpossible but with thy ayd he must overcome.

"Unpossible quite unpossible," interrupted the seaman with a grave shake of the head. "How impossible!" "Ab-so-lutely unpossible." "But why? Explain yourself, Fred." "'Cause it's only a bachelor as can be a best-man to a bachelor ain't it?" "I believe so, though I'm no authority in such matters; but surely that is a matter of no importance, for you are a bachelor, you know."

"'Cause it is so 'ard to go past the nice things an' smell 'em all without darin' to touch 'em till I lets you in. Couldn't you let me 'ave a feed first?" "Unpossible," said the burglar. "Wery good," returned the boy, with a sigh of resignation.