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Fledra unloosened her wrap from her throat as if it choked her. "How d'y' do, Flea?" grinned Cronk. His delight was like that of a small boy who has captured a bright-winged butterfly in a net. "I got yer letter, Pappy Lon," said Fledra, overlooking his impudent manner. "And ye goin' to stay, ain't ye?" gurgled Lem. Fledra snapped out "Nope!" to the scowman's question, without looking at him.

This is the appearance of Mary Makebelieve at that time: She had fair hair, and it was very soft and very thick; when she unwound this it fell, or rather flowed, down to her waist, and when she walked about the room with her hair unloosened it curved beautifully about her head, snuggled into the hollow of her neck, ruffled out broadly again upon her shoulders, and swung into and out of her figure with every motion; surging and shrinking and dancing; the ends of her hair were soft and loose as foam, and it had the color and shining of pure, light gold.

The fire of both cruisers was centered on the German flagship; and it was plain that if they continued at their work the Westphalen was doomed. An order was flashed to the German Zeppelins. Two sped forward. Captain Raleigh of the Queen Mary saw them advancing and the forward anti-aircraft gun was unloosened.

But the dinner had not even begun when Sancho unloosened his tongue and began with his proverbs, much to the distress and mortification of his master, although to the great enjoyment of the Duchess. Sancho had been standing by Don Quixote, staring wide-eyed and open-mouthed at everything that was taking place, for he had never in his life seen anything so sumptuous and ceremonious.

The seriousness and restraints of twenty-two years she had left behind her in the civilized world, and now, with a shrug of her young shoulders, she unloosened her burden of reticence, dignity, and responsibility and let the whole load fall with a discreet thud. "Even hares go mad in March," she said, seriously. "I know you intend to flirt with me and I don't care.

Then he unloosened my suddenly limp arms about him, muttering to himself of something he'd forgotten; and, rummaging in his pockets found it presently a packet laced in deerskin. 'This, he said, 'is all we ever knew of you. It should be yours. Good-bye. "I strove to speak, but he no longer heard me, and asked the guard impatiently why the Chaplain tarried.

Harry drew off his thick woollen mittens and unloosened his muffler, as together they stood looking at the glistening landscape around them. "I think we ought to turn; we are a long way from home." "Just let us touch shore first and get to the 'Black Stone'; that would be a record spin." "All right, then, come along, and tell me what happened that day. You know."

"Vows," said the Abbot, "must be unloosed, worthy Franklin, or permit me rather to say, worthy Thane, though the title is antiquated. Vows are the knots which tie us to Heaven they are the cords which bind the sacrifice to the horns of the altar, and are therefore, as I said before, to be unloosened and discharged, unless our holy Mother Church shall pronounce the contrary.

The Prince peered anxiously about, unconcerned at all the savagery that was unloosened to each side of him. He did not pause to aid a woman dragged shrieking from a doorway by the hair, nor look back at that other scream when a dragoon, unmanned and overwrought, reined from the ranks and cut her assailant down.

Miss Shongut ripped open the letter with a hairpin and curled her supple figure in a roomy curve of the divan. Her hair, unloosened, fell in a thick, black cascade down her back. Mrs. Shongut redusted the mantel, raising each piece of bric-a-brac carefully; ran her cloth across the piano keys, giving out a discord; straightened the piano cover; repolished the mantelpiece mirror.