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Updated: August 23, 2024

"Now, you are just as foolish as your master," Gladys said with a hearty laugh; but she allowed the dog to slip down from her arms, and as he sought safety behind his master, she unloosened the chain from the cow's neck, leading her by the horn out of the barn.

Shrinking from my touch, she let fall from her head, unloosened, the ghastly cerements which had confined it, and there streamed forth into the rushing atmosphere of the chamber huge masses of long and disheveled hair; it was blacker than the raven wings of midnight. And now slowly opened the eyes of the figure which stood before me.

Even those tangled up had speedily unloosened, and had not lost more than a couple of minutes by their collision. Exactly as each train's five minutes expired, away they flew for a long run for Sagasta-weekee.

He unloosened the brace of his overalls, reached down into the pocket of his patched garments beneath and, drawing out a fine length of chewing tobacco, took a bite. Then, breaking off a smallish length, he dropped it into the crown of his seaman's hat. Finally, slowly and very deliberately, he refastened the top of his overalls. I expect you got a bit wet out there coming into the creek.

He raised his arms to her and, weak though he was, took her to his breast and held her tight, tight. "Thank God!" he whispered. "Oh, I love you! I love you so! If you'd been killed " She felt his tears hot upon his wasted cheeks, and unloosened his arms. "There, there!" she soothed him. "You'll get into a fever again if you don't lie still and try not to think! You " "When was it?

He seemed to be dazed, and when at last I found my voice and addressed him, he merely murmured over and over texts of Scripture pertaining to the marriage service. 'In a short time I heard the key turn again in the lock of the private door, and the butler entered alone. He unloosened the bands around the clergyman's knees, escorted him out, and once more locked the door behind him.

She was again alone, but this time she felt no disposition to cry. Her trunk had been brought up by somebody, and stood already in its place, with the straps unloosened. She took off her hat and jacket, unpacked a little, and peeped out of the window to see where she was.

"Ah, well," she would reply, "I don't mind if I do. It's a poor heart that never rejoices." And then, her tongue unloosened, she would sit there and tell me stories of my predecessors, young men lodgers who like myself had taken her bed-sitting-rooms, and of the woes and misfortunes that had overtaken them. I gathered that a more unlucky house I could not have selected.

His companions quickly unloosened their straps, and ran for the rear window. A feeling of the greatest thanksgiving filled their souls and joy lit up their faces. The python was gone!

Quickly Hal unloosened his friend's coat, tore open his shirt and examined his wound. "It's only a scratch," he said, straightening up at last. "Here," pulling out his handkerchief, "I'll fix it up until we can have a surgeon look at it. You will be able to walk in a few minutes." "I'm able right now," said Chester, struggling to his feet.

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