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But you had better defer the visit till to-morrow, when his father, Sir Richard, will be at Whalley, and when you can have him to yourself. Dick will not say you nay, depend on't; he is too good a fellow for that. A murrain on those close-fisted curmudgeons, Roger Nowell, Nicholas Townley, and Tom Whitaker. They ought to be delighted to oblige me."

She tried to speak, carelessly. "I've a long letter to send to Evelyn Townley," she added. "Of course, Madre. And I'll tell Monsieur Emile all I think of him for neglecting us as he has. Ah! But I remember; he's been working." "Yes, he's been working; and one must forgive everything to the worker, mustn't one?" "To such a worker as Monsieur Emile is, yes.

Townley and G., and three tired people we were, too tired even to play the gentle game of croquet; glad to sit still in comfortable chairs on the greensward and steep ourselves in the peace and quietness. At tea, Chil the kite, hovering in mid-air, watched us jealously. Suddenly there was a swoop, a dark flutter of wings, a startled squeak from G., and our cake was gone. That's India!

After the departure of Teale the club fell into moody gloom. It was always upsetting to have outside interference with their affairs. Even if Teale wasn't arrested the whiskey would be limited for a time, and that was a drawback to manly rights. Andrew Townley fell into an audible doze; he was the oldest inhabitant and a respected citizen.

Sherwin did not depend upon merely the intrinsic merits of his design; for Pharaoh's daughter was a portrait of the Princess-Royal of England, and grouped round her were all the most distinguished ladies of the English court the Duchess of Devonshire, the Duchess of Rutland, Lady Duncannon, Lady Jersey, Mrs. Townley Ward, and others some fifteen in all.

Townley guessed what was really at the bottom of Marion's occasional bitterness, and, piecing together many little things dropped casually by her friend, had come to the conclusion that the happiness of two people was at stake. When Marion shook hands with Captain Vidall she had herself exceedingly well under control.

General Armour walked up and down the room briskly, then turned on his wife and said: "Wife, it was a brutal thing: Frank doesn't deserve to be the father of her child." But Lali had moods singular moods. She indulged in one three days after the arrival of Marion and Mrs. Townley. She had learned to ride with the side-saddle, and wore her riding-dress admirably.

Townley, immediately after breakfast, drew the envelope already referred to from among his private papers, and, breaking the seal, opened it. To his surprise and excitement, he discovered that the inclosure was the last will and testament of his deceased friend.

Townley thought it best to consult with the town authorities as to the course to be pursued, since, as it appeared, the town was interested in the will. It was decided that the doctor and Mr. Graves, who was the Chairman of the Selectmen, should go to Boston the next day and inform Mrs. Preston of the discovery of the will.

'Oh, yes; sometimes they never turn up at all, said the pink niece. 'After accepting! ejaculated Lady Whyteleafe of the pearls. 'Oh, yes; sometimes they don't even answer. 'I never heard of such impudence. 'I have, twice this year, said Mrs. Graham Townley, with that effect of breaking by main force into a conversation instead of being drawn into it.