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Updated: August 3, 2024

Black Bill told Tintop that Devers was as bad as the Irishman's flea, put your thumb on him and he isn't there. "I'll cinch him," said Tintop in reply, "if he tries any of his damned nonsense on me." But with every intention of doing his level best, "Topsy" little knew the infinite resources of the man. One of Devers's idiosyncrasies was a hatred of doing things as anybody else did them.

Jump in a taxi and come as quickly as you can." "But what IS it?" persisted Jimmy. The dull sound of the wire told him that the person at the other end had "hung up." Jimmy gazed about the room in perplexity. What was he to do? Why on earth should he leave his letters unanswered and his mail topsy turvy to rush forth in the shank of the morning at the bidding of a young woman whom he abhorred.

Many psychoanalysts have endeavoured to discover the exact motive for Jabez Puffwater's sudden and unexpected slaying of his old Aunt Topsy whose coal-black arms had fondled him as a baby. Many theories have been put forward, but none of them with the exception, perhaps, of Herman Pipper possess the ring of truth.

When I wildly brandished my umbrella, which could not possibly have harmed them, they jumped through the closed window leaving not a pane of glass behind. This, I suppose, is merely a nocturnal interlude to break the monotony of life in a country which boasts no burglars. The children attend the Mission school, and yesterday Topsy was sent home in dire disgrace for lying and cheating.

And though not audibly crying, he evidently was not entirely happy. "Wants to know what's in de bastick!" he announced without hesitation. "So you shall," declared his fond mother. "Hoopsy Topsy, lift Dibbs up so he can see what the young ladies brought." Nothing loath, Hoopsy Topsy lifted up her brother, who at once forgot his grief, and, smiling broadly, began to investigate the baskets.

At last Alice stood still, quite close to the big stove, wondering where she could look next. "Meow! meow! meow!" "Oh, mamma. It sounds loudest right here!" Alice's mother bent her head and listened. "So it does," she said. Then she put her hand on the door of the big warming oven. She pulled it open, and out walked Topsy, very warm indeed, but not hurt at all.

Its jurisdiction extended as trade and commerce developed and railways appeared on the scene, and gradually it was divided into departments, and so the Board of Trade came into being. Like Topsy it "grow'd."

"Who dat, Topsy?" he demanded. "Oh, she was a little nigger girl that became very famous," I explained. "Doan' know nuffin' 'bout no Topsy," he said, shaking his head. "We ain' niggers, eider, yo' know, me an' him ain't. We's statulary." "What?" I cried. The word seemed new. "Statulary," he continued. "We was carved, we was. There ain't nothin' borned 'bout us. Never knowed who pap was.

He read the piece through with attention, and, while he sat down with me to make some trivial alterations, turned the whole thing, in the course of the conversation, completely topsy- turvy, so that not one stone remained on another. He struck out, added, took away one character, substituted another, in short, went on with the maddest wantonness in the world, so that my hair stood on end.

Yet she did not seem a bit ashamed. She only looked at it with an air of surprise and innocence. 'Why, that's Miss Feely's ribbon, an't it? How could it a got into my sleeve? 'Topsy, you naughty girl, don't tell me a lie. You stole that ribbon, 'Missis, I declare I didn't. Never seed it till dis blessed minnit. 'Topsy, said Miss Ophelia, 'don't you know it is wicked to tell lies?

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