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"Yes sir," shot out the old gum hunter emphatically, and somewhat to the surprise of Garry, who had put the question merely to see what side the old timer would take. "I believe in upholding the laws of the land. I came from a family that has done that always. My Daddy fought in the Mexican War, and he was killed in Shiloh during the Civil War.

Freet explained to Jim that he needed an "Old Timer" in laying out the Makon road whose practical experience would supplement Jim's theories. When Jim reached the survey camp in the Makon valley he found waiting for him a small man of about fifty, with a Roman nose, bright blue eyes and a shock of gray hair.

After ten words we sank back oblivious of the storm, forgetful of the leaky roof and the dirty floor, lost in the story told us by the Old Timer. I came from Texas, like the bulk of you punchers, but a good while before the most of you were born. That was forty-odd years ago and I've been on the Colorado River ever since. That's why they call me Colorado Rogers.

"Peaches, old timer, I didn't think you'd be so easy." "Neither did I," said Swing. "And him a gambler. No wonder he ain't doin' so well." Worried Mrs. Dale raised a work-scarred hand and pushed back a lock of gray hair that had fallen over one eye. "It's a forgery," she said, wretchedly. "I know it's a forgery. He he wouldn't sign such a paper. I know he wouldn't."

She beamed gratefully upon him. "Need any money, Bill, old timer?" she flashed at him suddenly, with delightful camaraderie. "There should be no secrets between partners. I do." "Quanto?" "Cinquenta mille pesos oro, señorita." "Help!" "Fifty thousand bucks, iron men, simoleons, smackers, dollars " She reached down and removed a fountain pen from his upper vest pocket.

"Come in, old timer," Bob called to him. "Where's the rest of the bunch?" "Oh, I guess they'll be along pretty soon," said Jimmy. "I guess I'm a bit early, but I was so anxious to get around that I couldn't wait to come at a respectable time. I suppose I should be boning down for to-morrow's lessons, but I'd never be able to get my mind on them until we get our outfit going."

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight " he paused. Junior began moving away from them. "Nine!" shouted Connel. "What happened to nine?" "Roger," shouted Astro, "you made a mistake on the timer!" "But I couldn't. Connel spun around, his eyes blazing, breathing hard. "What time did you set the last one for, Roger?" he demanded.

Standing on the rocks at Gloucester after an easterly storm, a typical "timer" might be chiefly conscious of the steady sequence of the waves, the measured intervals between their summits; while the typical stresser, although subconsciously aware of the steady iteration of the giant rollers, might watch primarily their foaming crests, and listen chiefly to their crashing thunder.

"It's shore wicked the way you curse, Old Timer," said Pinkey, reprovingly, as Wallie came up from the corral carrying an empty milk bucket in one hand and testing the other for broken bones. "I could hear you talkin' to Rastus from whur I'm settin'." Wallie exhibited a row of bruised knuckles and replied fiercely: "If ever I had an immortal soul I've lost it since that calf came!

What is it that makes tyrants so sanguinary? 'Tis only the solicitude for their own safety, and that their faint hearts can furnish them with no other means of securing themselves than in exterminating those who may hurt them, even so much as women, for fear of a scratch: "Cuncta ferit, dum cuncta timer."