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Updated: August 22, 2024

"He'd be quite lost I know he would." "Well, but " began Avice. "Then he'd find his self again as fast as he could," said a gruff voice, and they looked up in surprise to see old Dan standing behind them. "Thou's done well, lass. Thou's ta'en advice o' thy own kind heart, and not o' other folks. Thee take the little maid to thee, and I'll see thee safe out on't.

'Oh, Kester, said she once more, 'what mun I do? I'm pledged to him as strong as words can make it, and mother blessed us both wi' more sense than she's had for weeks. Kester, man, speak! Shall I go and break it all off? say. 'Nay, it's noane for me t' say; m'appen thou's gone too far. Them above only knows what is best. Again that long, cooing whistle. 'Sylvie!

"'That'll niver do for me, Abe, I said. 'If it were a case o' self-discipline, I reckon I'd niver do a stroke o' wark. "'Nay, lad, he said; 'thou'll think different now thou's coom to heaven. Thou'll hark to t' inner voice an' do what it tells thee. "'Inner voice, I said; 'what's that? "'It's a new sort o' boss, says Abe; 'an' a gooid 'un an' all.

'Tut, tut, thou's got thy brother, he's rich enough. And Hobbs 'll do a deal better; he's had his lesson now, and he'll stick to his own side time to come. Here, tak' thy beast an' look after her, for my bones is achin'. An' mak' thysel' scarce, for some o' them fellys has getten their blood up, an' wunnot be for treating thee o'er well if they fall in wi' thee.

"I've coom to tak care o' thee," Mary replied. "Thou's coom to plague me, that's what thou's coom for. I know thee. I've seen thee o' neights, aye, an' i' t' daytime too; an' if it's revenge thou wants, I tell thee thou's gotten it already, capital an' interest, interest an' capital." Mary's swift intuition afforded her an insight into Learoyd's mind.

"Thou's a wrong-headed old chap," said the brickmakers' spokesman; "but thou canst not run away with place. Them as takes to it will have to take us on." "Not so. We have sold our plant to the Barton Machine Brickmaking Company; and you maltreated them so at starting that now they won't let a single Union man set his foot on their premises."

Mistress Kilspinnie, my dauty, fill him a cup of wine, the malvesie, to put smeddam in his marrow; he'll no be the waur o't, after his gallanting at Enbro. Stay! what's this? the auld man's been at school since him and me hae swappit paper. My word, Argyle, thou's got a tongue in thy pen neb! but this was ne'er indited by him; the cloven foot of the heretical Carmelite is manifest in every line.

Eh, but I was a bad 'un to do the like to thee; and thou's a good 'un to come here. When I saw thee lie there, all scorched and shaking, I didn't like my work; and now I hate it. But I knew no better at the time. And, you see, I've got it worse myself. And cheap served too." "Oh, Mr. Little," said Eliza Watney; "TRY and forgive him."

Well, for sure, I niver thowt o' that." "It's not likely thou would; thou's noan what I sud call a thinkin' man. Thy tongue is ower fast for thy mind to keep up wi' it." "Then what doesta reckon they letters stand for?" asked Besom-Joe. "There's nowt sae difficult wi' t' letters when you give your mind to 'em," the smith replied.

But dunnot go and marry a man as thou's noane taken wi', and another as is most like for t' be dead, but who, mebbe, is alive, havin' a pull on thy heart. Sylvia began to cry as if her heart was broken.

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