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Updated: August 18, 2024

If thaa'd bin like me thaa'd hev no doubts abaat a devil. I've felt him in me, an' I've felt him tak' howd o' me and do as he'd a mind wi' me. One day, when they'd crossed mi name off th' Rehoboth register, and th' missus were sobbin' fit to break her heart, aw coom across th' owd flute as aw were rootin' in a box for some medicine. There it lay, long forgetten.

Penrose, a woman's as deep as th' Longridge pit shaft. 'Well, thaa's never rued o'er joinin' Rehoboth, Malachi. 'I've never rued o'er weddin' thee, lass; an' aw think if thaa'd gone to a wur place nor Rehoboth aw should ha' followed thee. Leastways, I shouldn't ha' liked thee to 'a' tempted me. 'But thaa's not tell'd him all, Malachi. 'Nowe, lass, aw hevn't, but aw will.

At this Moses, for the first time in his life too, raised his foot and kicked the brute he had so lately been apostrophizing, and, seizing it by the collar, held it to the spot. 'Thaa doesn't know whose bairn it is, Captain, or thaa'd never trouble to go in after it. It's his whose dog welly worried thee and me on th' Caanty Court day.

We con nobbud do what we're permitted to do. We're only instruments in th' Almeety's honds. 'But isn't th' Almeety His own Measter? 'So He is, but His ways are past findin' out. 'An' thaa means to say thaa'd save my lass, and th' Almeety wouldn't save me? 'It's decrees, thaa knows, lad, it's decrees, said Amos, unshaken by the argument of his friend.

'Well, when hoo put her piece daan afore me, I couldn't tak' mi een off her. "At yo'," I said, as gawmless as a nicked goose. "Then thaa'd better use thi een for what th'art paid for, an' look at them pieces i'stead o' lookin' at lasses' faces." 'And hoo walked aat o' th' warehaase like a queaan.

'Yi, lad; He will, forsure. 'An' haa long does He keep 'em in when He gets 'em theer? Till to-morn t'neet? 'Longer lad. 'Till Kesmas? 'Yi, lad. 'Longer nor Kesmas? 'Yi, lad. But ne'er heed. Here's summat to eat. Sithee, I baked thee a pasty. 'I noan want th' pasty, gronny. I want to yer abaat th' hoile. Haa long does God keep bad fo'k in it? 'Ey, lad. I wish thaa'd hooisht!

"Aye, my lass, I'm real sorry for the'; thaa has a mother's heart, I see, and thaa'd loike to keep thee bairn, I knaw thaa wad; but thaa mun remember God has first claim on 't, and if He wants it, thaa'll be loike to let Him ha' it.

If thaa knew all, thaa'd spurn me more like. ''Manda, replied the woman, in the desperation of her love, 'I'll kiss thee if thaa kills me for't. I connot help it; thaa'rt mine. 'I wor once, I wor once, but nod now. 'Yi! lass, but thaa art.

Dun yo' know, I never belonged to God then as I do naa, for all I were baptized and a communicant. It's queer, isn't it? 'Ey, lass; thaa'd better tell that to Mr. Penrose. I know naught abaat what yo're talkin' on. Bud it does seem, as thaa ses, quare that thaa belongs more to God naa nor thaa did when thaa went away. 'Nay, mother, it's noan exactly as yo' put it.

As they rested together Moses continued: 'Thaas noan a bad sort, Captain; and thaa'd ha' done a deal more good if aw'd a let thee. Thaa wor awlus fond o' childer', bud they'd never let thee alone. It wor happen as weel if aw'd a bit more o' thi spirit i' me, owd lad; but if there wor more fo'k like thee there'd be less like me.

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