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Updated: August 22, 2024

As to the first, it was very quiet and colloquial. The preacher dwelt on the tortured body, the choking breath, the failing sight, the talk of relations and friends round the bed. 'Ay, poor fellow, he'll not lasst mich longer; t' doctor's gien him up and a good thing too, for his sufferins are terr'ble to see. 'And your poor dying ears will catch what they say.

It was, indeed, a "lonesome" place, and there was something "terr'ble" in its solitude compared to the comfortable closeness and crowding chimneys of Buzley's Court; but, fortunately for Biddy, her busy life at Truslow Manor did not leave much leisure for dwelling upon this.

And there's sure a heap of you for two," she smiled up at him. "Maybe you don't always say all the things you feel, but it don't keep me guessing long. You'd a heap of terr'ble, terr'ble things on your mind to say to me on this ride. Oh, and they weighed heavy.

"'Tis a terr'ble old frame," said she. "There be no gold left on't." And no more there was. "What do you say?" screamed the Cheap Jack, with his hand to his ear, and both a great deal too close to Mrs. Lake's face to be pleasant. "'Tis such an old frame," she shouted, "and the gold be all gone." "Old!" cried the hunchback, scowling; "who says I sell old things?

'But the feelin' in my mind is that my toes is 'urtin' most orful, an' I'd like to 'ave 'em buried if it's goin' to 'elp any. 'Oh, come, Benny, that's all nonsense, yeh know, sez the doctor, puttin' 'im off. But father is terr'ble persistent, an' 'e keeps on an' sez, 'Don't 'is mind know 'e hain't got no toes, doctor?

He was sadly used to dealing with deceit but hated to find it in one so young as Goober Glory. "No, sir. I never. But I will. I'd rather an' I must I must! Oh, I can't let her go to that terr'ble station house where thievers an' bad folks go, an' she so white an' pure an' little an' sweet! I can't. She mustn't. She shan't! So there."

'Davy, he said, trembling. Then with a sudden movement he whipped the door to behind him, and shut it close. 'Whist! he said, putting his old finger to his lip. 'T' servant's just settlin her i' t' kitchen. She's noa ready yet she's been terr'ble bad th' neet. Coom yo here. And he descended the steps with infinite care, and led David to the wood-shed.

When it rained real hard, and the wind blowed, she kind o' stretched out some of her leaves, and covered her little berry up, and she done the same when the sun was too hot. And the berry growed and growed, and was so fat and smooth and pretty! And the plant was jest wropped up in her little berry, lovin' it terr'ble hard, and bein' dreadful proud on it, too.

But she wrote bukes tales, yo know tales about t' foak roun here; an they do say, them as has read 'em, 'at they're terr'ble good. Mr. Watson, at t' Post Office, he's read 'em, and he's allus promised to lend 'em me. But soomhow I doan't get th' time. An in gineral I've naw moor use for a book nor a coo has for clogs.

On they went, swinging up and down until her brain reeled; on, on, through the rain and whistling wind, over the lonely downs, while she strained her eyes in vain for sight or sound of a living creature. If this was what they meant by a "lonesome" place it was "terr'ble" indeed. Hours seemed to pass in this way, and then the pony slackened its pace a little.

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