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"You bet I'm bilious the world looks plumb ja'ndiced!" the deputy answered, with feeling. "What's the matter?" Teeters sobered in sudden anxiety. "Ain't the case " A frown grew between the deputy's eyebrows. "The case is gettin' nowhere. Things don't look right, and I can't exactly put my finger on it." "What do you mean, Lingle?" quickly.

"I'll tell Lingle, but I don't think there's anything in it." "Why?" Teeters' eyes narrowed. "Because I know where the gun come from!" Bowers looked his astonishment. "I'd swear to that gun stock on a stack of Bibles," Teeters continued. "It was swelled from layin' in water, and a blacksmith riveted it. The blacksmith died last summer or by now we'd a had his affidavit."

All her spare change and waking hours were spent buying and embroidering linen for the "hope chest" that spoke of her determined confidence in the realization of her ambition. The three greeted Hughie warmly. Miss Maggie flashed her dazzling teeth; Teeters reached out and smote him with his fist between the shoulder blades; Mrs.

"If you'd let them sturrups out like I told you and quit tryin' to set down standin' up, ridin' wouldn't tire you so much." Teeters looked at the English pigskin saddle in frank disgust. Toomey ignored the criticism and said arrogantly: "I want you to follow me from now on." An ominous glint came in the cowboy's eye, but he still grinned. "I wa'nt broke to foller.

The only sure way is to heave 'em into the street and jump out o' the country between sundown and daylight. "I've met fellers hidin' in the mountains that I used to think was fugitive murderers they had all the earmarks but now I know better; they was runnin' away from third-and fourth-class post offices. If ever you're tempted, remember what I've told you. Anything I can do for you, Teeters?"

Teeters knew the effort it cost him to tell his name to strangers. He added with the air of a man determined to make a clean breast of it: "I'm from Missoury." The Major's hand shot out unexpectedly. "Shake!" he cried warmly. "I was drug up myself at the foot of the Ozarks." "I pulled out when I was a kid and wrangled 'round considerible." Teeters made the statement as an extenuating circumstance.

Bullfrogs pipe, running the whole gamut of tones from treble to bass, hidden away amid the water grasses. Darning needles dodge in and out among the rushes in erratic flight, and a blackbird teeters up and down on a tulle stem while repeating over and over his pleasant "O-ko-lee."

What further indiscretions of speech Teeters would have committed only his Maker knows, for at the moment the clerk at the desk called his name in an imperative voice. As the recipient of a telegram, Teeters had the attention of everybody in the room, and none could fail to observe his excitement as he folded the telegram and returned it to its envelope.

The Major closed an eye and with the other looked quizzically at Teeters, adding, "If it wa'nt for Starlight " "Starlight is shore some Injun," replied the cowboy, grinning understandingly. "Now what for an outfit's that?" The moving cloud of dust which the Major had forgotten in his keen interest in the conversation was almost upon them.

Toomey not only resented Teeters' presence but the informality of his manner toward Prentiss, which Toomey regarded as his special prerogative. He already had had an argument with Sudds as to the advisability of including Teeters among the guests, and now during a lull his judgment was fully verified. Mr.