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In these final hours it had required all his weakened will to hide his fears and keep his tongue between his teeth. Now, like a man clinging by his finger tips to some small crevice in a cliff, he suddenly gave up. As he relaxed his grip he whispered with the last faint remnant of his strength: "I own up I set the gun I I " Teeters slipped an arm about his shoulders and raised him up.

"Oh yes but come to think of it, I don't think Olaf said what the Wise Men call these birds. One was a bob-tailed Rail one was a Snipe with far-back eyes and a finger-beak like a Woodcock's one was a Spotted Sandpiper that teeters and whistles 'tweet-weet' and the other was a tiny little Sandpiper with a very sad cry. Now do you know them?"

"One of Kate's sheep wagons was blowed up a few nights ago, and there's a story circulatin' that somebody's goin' to shoot up the Outfit." Disston's face wore a frown of concentration. "Teeters," in sudden decision, "I'm going up to see her. She may need us." "But isn't it dangerous?" Mrs. Rathburn protested.

The more Teeters had thought of Mormon Joe's assertion that, outside of stock, the chief asset of the country was its climate and its scenery, the more he had come to believe that Joe's advice to turn the Scissor outfit into a place for eastern tourists was valuable.

"It's about the cook stove; Teeters wants to foreclose the mortgage." She regarded him fixedly, turned, and started for the kitchen. She knew that he was lying. One of the things which Mrs. Abram Pantin's worst enemy would have had to admit in her favor was that, strictly speaking, she was not a gossip, though this virtue was due as much to policy as to principle.

Teeters hammered down the flaps with a vigor that made the unwashed dishes on the table rattle, and grinned as he pictured the astonishment of Major Stephen Douglas Prouty, who was still postmaster, when he read the names of the personages with whom he, Teeters, was in correspondence after which he looked at the clock and saw that it was only seven.

The city is now improving this park and connecting it with the playground on the shore. The playground has three tennis courts, swings, and teeters and is used constantly during the year. In addition to the municipal parks the children of Reno have all outdoors to play in. Hospitals There are three hospitals in addition to the county hospital and the state hospital for mental diseases. The St.

Teeters flitted among the ladies, as impartial as a bee in a bed of hollyhocks, tossing off compliments with an ease which was a revelation to those who remembered the time when his brain stopped working in the presence of the opposite sex quite as effectually as though he had been hit with an axe.

Yet as he rode towards the mountains with his eyes fixed upon the low pass to which Teeters had directed him, he experienced the first real thrill of carefree happiness that had come to him since his arrival. The trail was a long and a hard one. His horse lost a shoe and limped badly, so, as the day waned, he walked frequently to spare the animal. He was tired, but too eager to be conscious of it.

For twenty minutes or more it lasted, and then Teeters' voice came clearly, vibrating with contempt as well as purpose: "You got a yellow streak a yard wide and if it takes the rest of our natural life Lingle and me between us are goin' to prove it!"