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Jack smiled lazily to himself as he thrust his hand into the tail-pocket of his coat, but his expression changed tragically as his fingers groped in vain for the bulky pouch which he had refilled just before leaving the house. Now, what in the world had happened to that pouch? Could it have fallen out of his pocket? Impossible! It was too securely weighted down by its own size.

The Doctor put a hand into his tail-pocket, and after some difficulty with the lining pulled out a small book bound in green leather and tied with a green ribbon. "Here," he announced, "is the first volume of a treatise on education." "Plague take your books! You're as bad as Jemmy, yonder. I tell you I'll not addle the boy's head with books."

"'I'm an Englishman anyway and not a blanky traitor! I roared. 'Here's something to remember me by! and I snatched the pistol out o my tail-pocket, and snapped it at him. "The ball went through the full of his shirt. "'Ah, says he, mighty nasty, 'I'll drop a return card on you one o' these days, Mr. Clergyman. And don't you forget it. "Then the lord stood up and waved.

For a new sound disconcerted them a sound sharp and piercing. The Registrar had finished his whistle and was blowing like mad, moving his fingers up and down. Having proved his instrument, he dived a hand into his tail-pocket and drew out a roll, tied around with ribbon. It was the folded leather-bound volume in which he kept his blank certificates.

As soon as she arrived she cordially held out her hand to him. After dinner, Lemm took a small roll of music-paper out of the tail-pocket of his coat, into which he had been constantly putting his hand, and silently, with compressed lips, placed it upon the piano. It contained a romance, which he had written the day before to some old-fashioned German words, in which mention was made of the stars.

You know that I always take a little turn behind the scenes, in the course of the evening, and I often go with my daughter to the ballet-foyer, which I am entitled to do, as her mother; I bring her her shoes, when the ballet is about to begin ... in fact, I come and go as I please ... The subscribers come and go too... So do you, sir ... There are lots of people about ... I go behind you and slip the envelope into the tail-pocket of your dress-coat ... There's no witchcraft about that!"

Then she solemnly kissed him on the cheek. Soon afterwards they went to their rooms. In his bedroom Gaston made a discovery. He chanced to place his hand in the tail-pocket of the coat he had worn. He drew forth a letter. The ink was faded, and the lines were scrawled. It ran: It's no good. Mr. Ian's been! It's face the musik now. If you want me, say so. I'm for kicks or ha'pence no diffrense.

"Why have I done this?" he asked. "I suppose to get possession of the poker." "Quite right. May I inquire your next move?" "Why?" said I, feeling in my tail-pocket, "I carry a pistol." "Which I suppose to be damp?" "By no means. I carry it, as you see, in an oil-cloth case." He stooped, and laid the poker carefully in the fender. "That is a stronger card than I possess.

In the first place I want drink, in the second I want a bed, and in the third I want to thank this kind person, whoever he is, for his hospitality. I'm not going to begin life No. 2 with housebreaking." I rose, slipped the pistol into my tail-pocket, and followed the sound up the ramshackle stairs.

Moncharmin took the envelope from Richard's pocket and drew out the bank-notes with a trembling hand, for, this time, in order frequently to make sure of the presence of the notes, he had not sealed the envelope nor even fastened it. He felt reassured on finding that they were all there and quite genuine. He put them back in the tail-pocket and pinned them with great care.