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I had hoped that one might be forthcoming. 'I am truly thankful I am worthy of hope, TRULY thankful. Mrs. Poulter dropped Palmer's Ecclesiastical History, which she had begun to read every Sunday afternoon for three months. Mr. Goacher picked it up, and was about to take Mrs. Poulter's hand, but Miss Taggart entered and the conversation closed just when it was becoming interesting.

Taggart visited the hardware dealers one by one until he despaired of finding the one who sold the chisel. There was no evidence that the tool had been purchased in Philadelphia. New York, Pittsburg, Baltimore and Boston retail such chisels, and the probability of its purchase in St. Louis was as strong as the idea of its purchase here. But Taggart found the man who sold the chisel.

It had been done cleverly, too, so cleverly that it had convinced him. When he remembered the cold, disdainful treatment that Betty had accorded Taggart that afternoon, he almost smiled though the smile was not good to see. He had championed her he knew now that it had been a serious championship and by doing so he had exposed himself to ridicule; to Betty's and Taggart's secret humor.

Taggart was also for five years a pupil of Senor Arevalo, the famous guitar soloist of Los Angeles.... Mrs. Taggart has in preparation Methought He Touched the Strings, an idyl for piano in memory of the late Senor M. S. Arevalo."

Taggart had noted with a lowering frown Calumet's omission of the proffered handshake, but the cordial good nature of the smile on the latter's face was unmistakable, and he grinned in reply. "I'll sure do that," he said. "I'll be right glad to have you," said Calumet. "Come tomorrow in the afternoon any time." "You reckonin' on bein' the boss now?" questioned Taggart.

"A thing merely to be sneezed at," a voice like that of Taggart added; and then I seemed to hear a sternutation, as I probably did, for, recovering from a kind of swoon, I found myself shivering with cold. The next day I brought my work to a conclusion.

They were Neal Taggart; a tall, lanky, unprepossessing man with a truculent eye rimmed by lashless lids, and with a drooping mustache which almost concealed the cruel curve of his lips, whom he knew as Denver Ed having met him several times in the Durango country; and a medium-sized stranger whom he knew as Garvey. The latter was dark-complexioned, with a hook nose and a loose-lipped mouth.

But you don't know it, an' you try to perforate Denver. Then he pulls another gun an' salivates you. Self-defense." He looked around with a cold grin. "Planted an empty on him myself," he said. "The little guy fell for it. So did Denver. I reckon that's all. You wantin' me for this?" he inquired of the sheriff. "You'll find me at the Lazy Y. Taggart " He hesitated and looked around.

Private Charities, their General Character Probable Amount of them Missions on the Border Galashiels Abbotsford Letter of Pere de Ravignan, S.J. Kelso Letter of Father Taggart Burning of the Church at Kelso Charge of the Lord Justice-Clerk Article from the 'Scotsman' Missions in the Western Highlands Moidart Mr. Hope-Scott's Purchase of Lochshiel 'Road-making' Dr. Newman's 'Grammar of Assent' Mr.

He had considered carefully the impulse which had moved him to entice Taggart to the Lazy Y, and was convinced that it had been aroused through a desire to take some step to avenge his father. He told himself that if in the action there had been any desire to champion Betty he had not been conscious of it. It angered him to think that she should presume to imagine such a thing.