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Else they'd put up the rent to sic a figure he couldna pay it. In the end, though, he hit upon a plan. Ane day he went tae see an agent aboot a hoose that was just the yin to suit him. He liked it fine; the agent saw he was a solid man, and like tae be a gude tenant. Sae they were well along when the inevitable question came. "How many children have you?" asked the agent. "Six," said my friend.

"Drink up," she cries, "it's a rid tinker's night this." "Why red tinkers, Meg?" says Dan, raising his head from close confab wi' the captain. "Ye ken the story fine," says she, "how the weans hiv the red hair tae keep them warm maybe, lying oot." "Not me, my lass," says Dan; "sit down here beside me and tell us."

"'Mine iniquity is greater than can be forgiven. No, Cain, thou errest; God's mercy is far greater, couldst thou ask mercy. Men cannot be more sinful than God is merciful if, with penitent hearts, they will call upon Him." We have all read of the passing of William MacLure in Ian Maclaren's touching idyll. "A'm gettin' drowsy," said the doctor to Drumsheugh, "read a bit tae me."

They were sair angry at old Harry Lauder that nicht he tauld them what he thocht of their generosity, but it maybe he did them gude, for a' that! I'd be a dead man the noo, e'en had I as many lives as a dozen nine lived cats, had a' the threats that were made against me in America been carried oot. They'd tell me, in one toon after anither, that it wadna be safe tae mak' ma talk against the Hun.

"But thae young birkies gie oot 'at they see naebody comin' in, an' cover their face wi' ae hand sae solemn, that if ye didna catch them keekin' through their fingers tae see what like the kirk is, ye wud think they were prayin'." "There's not much escapes you," I dared to say, and although the excellent woman was not accessible to gross flattery, she seemed pleased.

"Ye could do it fine, I think," he said thoughtfully, "wi' the use of yer head an' the bit coachin' and help I'd provide. It's like this. Pachugan's no so good a deestrict as it used tae be. The fur trade's slowin' down, an' the Company's no so keen as it was in the old days when it was lord o' the North. I mind when a factor was a power but that time's past. The Company's got ither fish tae fry.

"Indeed, they told me it was haunted, but I determined to see for myself." "Weel?" "Well, I am glad to find it haunted by nothing worse than a wandering Scots piper." The Highlander smiled his wry smile, and taking out a snuff-box, inhaled a pinch, regarding me the while. "Ye're the first as ever stayed after they'd heard the first bit squeakie, tae find out if 't were a real bogle or no."

Francois Le Rue thawed instantly, and thereafter warmed up to intense cordiality while he plied his knife and fork on the "pig," and quaffed the steaming "tae," talking between mouthfuls as his voluble friend gave him opportunity.

Was the Channel to be laid open to the Hun? It lookit sae, for a time. I was like a man possessed by a de'il, I'm thinking, in you days. I couldna think of ought but the way the laddies were suffering in France. And it filled me wi' rage tae see those who couldna or wouldna understand. They'd sit there when I begged them to buy Liberty Bonds, and they'd be sae slow to see what I was driving at.

I'm thinking it'll be sae of all of us. I'm thinking that, sae lang as we live, we folk that ken what the war was, what it involved for the laddies who fought it, we'll be comparing any hardship or privation that comes tae us wi' what it was that they went through.