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Now, do you t'ink in cander, Jack, dat two colour' gentle'em, like us, can t'row away our fortins like two sons of a York merchant dat has inherited a hundred t'ousand dollar tudder day?" "There is no occasion for running at all, or for losing your wages." "How you get'e mate off, den? Can he walk away on de water? If so, let him go widout us.

"I don't remember not'in' but that I got it in th' neck. But ye keep yer eye open, sir. Ye t'ink that none of the b'ys would t'row ye down cause ye've been good to 'em; but some of 'em are that mean they'd steal th' sugar from a fly. I know 'em. I hears 'em talk, cause they don't mind me t'ink I'm one of th' gang."

It was to Jean the boss called my second morning, very loud so all could hear: “If you find anything wrong mit a dress, don't look at it, don't bodder wid itjus' t'row it in dere faces and made dem do it over again!

"D'ye know, Oi thoucht ye'd say that. Well, 'tis ye're own funeral. Tellin' ye about me, Oi ain't lost no bird's-eye trees, mesilf, but av ye need help Be th' way, th' bunk above mine's empty; ye moight t'row ye're blankets in there." In the days that followed Bill threw himself into the work with a vigor that won the approval of the men.

I liked your friend from the minute he stepped through from the minute I set me peepers on him. He's one man, if anybody asks you. I'm soitainly for him till the clock strikes twelve. And say, listen! Jerry's liable not to get away with it. I'm hep to one thing. The gang's sore on him. He rides the boys too hard. Some of 'em will sure t'row him down hard if they think they'll be protected."

T'ree good lads bes kilt dead by her already. T'row her overboard!" "There bain't a man amongst ye wid the heart o' a white-coat," returned the skipper. "Afeared o' a poor drownded wench, be ye?" This taunt was received in sullen silence. The skipper stood firm on the listed deck, his feet set well apart and his shoulders squared, and leered up at them.

He preached it to the men, and it made a great impression on their simple though dangerous natures. "There was Foxey Jack Quinn," he said. "Jack hated the skipper like we hates sea-water in our rum. Didn't he try to kill him t'row him over the cliff an' didn't the skipper put the comather on to him?

S'pose you t'ink Masser made of plate, dat you break 'em up so! Dat what ole Plin say de nigger! He say all men made of clay, and plate made of clay, too well, bot' clay, and bot' break. All on us wessels, and all on us break to pieces some day, and den dey'll t'row us away, too."

It was dusk when Bill Brennen found him. "Skipper," said Bill, "the lads bes at it again. They wants to know when ye'll make a trip to St. John's wid the jewels? an' where the jewels bes gone to, anyhow?" "Jewels!" cried the skipper "an' the entire crew o' 'em fair rotten wid gold! I'll dig up the jewels from where we hid 'em an' t'row 'em into their dirty faces an' they kin carry 'em to St.

But the Cockney's teeth were chattering with fright, and he was too unnerved to move or speak. "T'row ze crazy man out!" French Pete ordered from the bow. At this moment a bullet shattered an oar in his hand, and he coolly proceeded to ship a spare one. "Give us a hand, Joe," 'Frisco Kid commanded. Joe understood, and together they seized the terror-stricken creature and flung him overboard.