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Updated: August 8, 2024

He leaves that sort of thing to his nigger servants, who make up for their master's lack of appreciation in the matter of colour by rigging themselves out in anything that is startling in the way of contrasts, for if the white master is a Puritan in such things, the nigger servant, male and female, is a perfect sybarite.

The manager, anxiously pacing the floor, after another moment or so paused at the door, fidgeted, jerked it open, and with a muffled "Pardon!" disappeared presumably in search of Shaynon. Striking a match, the detective puffed his cigar aglow. Over its tip his small eyes twinkled at P. Sybarite. "Maybe you're a gentleman crook, and maybe not," he returned with fine impartiality.

"Still," suggested the small but clear voice of Greed, "you've got your original five dollars yet to lose. Be a sport. Don't go without turning in a cent to the house. It wouldn't look pretty." "There's something in that," admitted P. Sybarite again.

Goring," replied Gordon, in a voice that rang with the pressure of clean, healthy lungs. "I want to do something. I'm infernally weary of this booby trap, playing hospital, and climbing trees to go to bed, and laying around like a pampered Sybarite. I'm coming out with you when you start again!"

In blind panic like that of sheep, they rose as one in uproar and surged toward the outer doors. November himself, struggling up from beneath the table, was caught and swept on willy-nilly in the front rank of the stampede. In a thought he found himself wedged tight in a press clogging the door. Before his enraged vision P. Sybarite was winning away with the boy.

She united with Mme. de Longueville in protecting the persecuted Jansenists, Nicole and Arnauld, but she had neither the courage, the heroism, nor the partisan spirit of her more ardent companion. With all her devotion she was something of a sybarite and liked repose.

He waved his free hand broadly in the direction taken by November's driver. Abruptly and without protest the patrolman released him, butted his way through the crowd, and disappeared. An arm boldly about Marian's waist, P. Sybarite helped her to the step of the touring car and blessed that prince among chauffeurs, who was up and ready in his seat!

But P. Sybarite had experienced a sudden rush of intelligence to the head was in the throes of that mental process which it is our habit wittily to distinguish by the expressive term, "putting two and two together." Could this, by any chance, be "that boy" who, Mr. Brian Shaynon had been assured, wouldn't know where he'd been when he waked?

The girl could not forgive her mother's disparagement of her idol, the mother had no mercy upon her daughter's folly; and after much wearisome contention and domestic misery carefully hidden from the penniless sybarite in the parlour after many tears and heart-burnings, and wakeful nights and prayerful watches, Mary Anne Kepp consented to leave the house quietly one morning with the gentleman lodger while the widow had gone to market.

He was no stranger to New York, and usually he took his cities as they came, with a matter-of-fact nonchalance. He would be as much at home on his second day in London as he had ever been in Lynn; or he would go from a friend's week-end house-party, where the habits of a Sybarite were forced on him, to a camp in the woods and pilot-bread fare, with an equal smoothness of temper and enjoyment.

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