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Updated: August 2, 2024

"To Bellegarde for dinner," answered Virginia. "But it's only ten o'clock," said Puss. "And, Jinny?" "Yes." "There's a new young man in town, and they do say his appearance is very striking not exactly handsome, you know, but strong-looking." "He's horrid!" said Virginia. "He's a Yankee." "How do you know?" demanded Puss and Emily in chorus. "And he's no gentleman," said Virginia.

Feuerstein's gaze wandered from face to face among the young women, to pause at last upon a dark, handsome, strong-looking daughter of the people. She had coal-black hair that curled about a low forehead. Her eyes were dreamy and stormy. Her mouth was sweet, if a trifle petulant. "And who is she?" he asked. "That's Hilda Brauner," replied Horwitz.

As it grew clearer, however, their awe was not diminished; for they now saw that the upright figure had two thick strong-looking arms, which it held out horizontally, manoeuvring with them in a singular manner. Its colour, too, appeared reddish, while that of the small animals was deep black!

Robert stood rooted, looking at the tiny withered figure in the black dress, its snowy hair and diminutive face swathed in lace with a perplexity into which there slipped an involuntary shiver. Suddenly he became aware of a woman by the fire, a decent, strong-looking body in gray, who rose as his look turned to her. Their eyes met; her expression and the little jerk of her head toward Mrs.

Helgi answered, "I clearly know this man from your tale. There has been Hunbogi the Strong, son of Alf o' Dales. But what I find so hard to make out is, what they want journeying with such a very picked company." The lad spoke again: "And still there sat a man next to this strong-looking one, dark auburn of hair, thick-faced and red-faced, heavy of brow, of a tall middle size."

The disguise would be out of the question for Amuba, who is well-nigh as tall as you are, besides being wide and strong-looking, but for me it would do well." "Yes, I think you could pass as a woman," Jethro agreed; "and certainly the more of us there are to watch this rascal the better. But for myself I think that we are more likely to succeed by night than by day.

But her grievance was too hot within her for suppression. Do you remember Mr. Benbow's Hester, girls? The one I always said I wanted. She was sold at auction yesterday. Pa and I were passing the Court House, with Clarence, when she was put up for sale. We crossed the street to see what was going on, and there was your strong-looking Yankee standing at the edge of the crowd.

"We who think so much of ourselves have become pigmies upon the face of the earth. There towers the representative of modern omnipotence. Those are the hands grim, strong-looking hands, aren't they? that grip the levers of modern American life. Rodin ought to do a statue of him as he stands there art and letters growing smaller as he grows larger. We exist for him.

"Bring it then, Barney, and you shall go on the force; for you're a fine, strong-looking man, the kind needed in these days," said Mr. Vosburgh, glad to do a good turn for one who unwittingly had rendered him so great a service, and also amused at this later aspect of the affair. This amusement was greatly enhanced by observing Barney's proud, triumphant glance at Sally.

The grown-up daughter had a baby in her arms, as uncared for as the other children, all of whom looked as if soap and water never came their way. The men were fine, strong-looking individuals, and all were very affable to me, or meant to be so, if I could but have understood them. Finally four or five more women came into this tiny overcrowded room, evidently visitors.

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